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The Earth Has No Bones
Citation:   confused. "The Earth Has No Bones: An Experience with Ketamine (exp61980)". Sep 8, 2017.

6 tablets   MDMA (pill / tablet)
    insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
The basic jist is this...

Been to a party in what I consider to be the grimiest club in my city, as the evening draws to a close I find it is too late to swallow any more pills (had taken something between 4 and 8) but could happily sit and snort K for a while until it was time to leave...I experienced most of the normal Ketamine effects (though I had only done it once before and could remember little about it).

It was only when we got home and we sat in my front room. And I was alone with my thoughts (no one felt like talking much after the binge we had been on) I tried to remember something I think, though even this I cannot be sure of. And suddenly for what can only have been five seconds the world in front of my eyes blocked out, and sound was replaced by dark discordant strings that more than made the hair on your neck stand up, over the top of this what sounded like a scared child simply speaking the words “The Earth Has No Bones” and a man, certainly speaking as one would think a scientist might saying something like “And of course no one question’s it (by this he meant the information that the Earth apparently had no bones) because you never know, it might be true” At this point my vision returned and I looked at my friend sitting staring, wondering if the exact same words echoed through his skull.

I say my vision returned because from the moment the strings began it was as though all I could see were a picture, a picture of something that made no sense, two colours, a shade of yellow/beige/brown and a very pale blue, the colours were separated by the thick black line that had drawn a circle and some scribbled crosses, it looked very much like something a child might have drawn. I suppose what disturbed me most about this experience was the knowledge that came to me as soon as it was over. It had happened before, the last time I had taken K, the same words the same sound and the same picture…and I started to remember other things like this strange sinking feel of despair…nothing but the knowledge that something is simply WRONG!

The best metaphor I can come up with to describe this is that I feel sure I was trying to remember something. If you think of your brain as something similar to a computer hard drive, it was as though my brain was displaying some kind of error message as thought the file I were trying to access was missing or corrupted, leaving instead this mass of noise, nonsense and fear.

I have not taken Ketamine since…I have spent long periods of time trying to work out what “The Earth Has No Bones” could possibly have meant. I don’t know now and I doubt I ever will…After this badexperience with a hard drug, the next time I smoked weed, I often find I start thinking about my Ketamine experiences and they almost feel like they are returning when I am really stoned.

Last note, mental illness runs in my family…I have a lot of bad experiences on drugs and yet still persist in taking them. The effects of mind-altering drugs (as opposed to body altering drugs that I consider to be things like MDMA) depend immensely on who is taking them.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61980
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 8, 2017Views: 1,234
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Ketamine (31) : Difficult Experiences (5), Hangover / Days After (46), Various (28)

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