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Heaven and Hell in Times Square
Citation:   yaa-dl. "Heaven and Hell in Times Square: An Experience with 4-AcO-DMT (exp61997)". Apr 26, 2007.

22 mg oral 4-AcO-DMT (capsule)
Several 22 mg doses of 4-aco-dmt were quickly weighed out at a friends apartment in Chelsea, the doses were distributed to a small group of people. I took the first dose and then began to convince others to join me on a journey, after about thirty minutes had elapsed the effects began to manifest themselves as a subtle and persistent mania. I had to go skateboarding, I had to go outside. I became extremely impatient. I convinced a few of the people to leave with me and left the apartment with a skateboard in hand. I walked out onto the street in New York the night was cold, but I felt good, the air felt clean. Little did I know I was about to embark on the most frightening journey of my life.

I sensed strangeness in my good friend Adam who I had not seen for several days, he seemed inhibited and less funny than usual. I tried to ignore this, as the colors began to saturate my vision. Everything was coming on very slowly, very gently. 4-aco-dmt is to psycilocyben what Delsym is to Robotussin. We approached a giant metal sculpture of a needle and thread I hung from the giant needle like a sloth. I felt like we were a group of children playing in a strange post-apocalyptic playground, the atmosphere was thick.

We began walking to time sq. we walked past a pizzeria and I stopped in awe of its beauty the walls were fitted with beveled mirrors, each mirror wore a crown of neon lights, the shop was empty I sat in a chair and felt infinite ecstasy wash over me, I closed my eyes and saw pure white light, the summation of the entire spectrum. The pizzeria was heaven, I was in a trance. The rest of the group wanted to leave, and I left, though I thoroughly regret it.

As we approached times sq. Adam decided to take an additional dose because he was not feeling the effects as strongly as me, I told him to split 22mgs with me but he foolishly snorted the entire thing by himself, shortly after that we left the group and went off walking together. The lights of times sq. looked like an ocean and I felt like strange mutated shrimp were swimming around me. We went into the basement of a Sabarro to talk.

The visuals at this point were fairly mild, less than what I would have gotten from 1/8th of mushrooms but the insanity was very much preset. I tried to engage Adam in a discussion, but he was unable to communicate with me, his observations grew more and more distorted and he became convinced that one of the group members was evil. All of his observations were retarded, and I found myself disagreeing with everything he said. He became more and more agitated, until he ran from the table into times sq. leaving me behind, I took out paper and began to write down memories I was recalling from my childhood of a baby sitter who used to hit me. Adam returned a few minutes later more crazed than before, he blurted out “I'm gay” and ran off again, this time not to return. All of my belongings were at his friends apartment and I had nowhere to sleep it was around 2:00 in the morning, I knew things were about to get very scary.

For reasons I cannot remember I ate a transparent rolling paper I had in my wallet, then hurriedly collected my notes which were written on written on receipts I had in my wallet, I filled my hat with receipts and put it on my head. I looked very noticeably insane and was almost instantly mocked by people walking by on the street, my self-pity was overwhelming strong, I felt like a child lost in a wal-mart I wanted someone to call my parents on the PA system. I called Adam's cell-phone repeatedly to no avail. I called numerous people in my phonebook including (regrettably) my parents. I walked to a McDonalds and starred in awe at the golden arches I wanted to tell them how much respect I had for them, I walked inside and saw a drawing I had done on the wall one year previously, this filled me with an overwhelming sense of deja vu.

I called Adam again and he hurriedly picked up the phone and said “I'm dieing in an ambulance” then hung up the phone. At this point I really started to freak-the-fuck-out. I was overwhelmed by fear, horror, sadness, confusion, and an unexpected sense of euphoria. A pure despair penetrated every dimension of my being and I became immersed in a fantasy about telling Adams parents that I was responsible for their sons death, I felt as if seeds of insanity were being planted deep inside my brain.

Eventually I contacted my girlfriend and was able to go stay at her apt. The next morning I spoke to Adam after he left the hospital. He sounded different…in a bad way. He was profoundly changed by the experience, he seems to have lost a lot of the edge and humor he had before the trip, and when I told him he confessed his homosexuality to me he became extremely uncomfortable and denied it.

Not something to be played with by the weak of constitution. For everyone else enjoy time-release mushrooms.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61997
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 26, 2007Views: 15,493
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4-AcO-DMT (387) : Various (28), Relationships (44), General (1)

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