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Violently Ill
Morning Glory
by Rawr
Citation:   Rawr. "Violently Ill: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp62014)". Nov 9, 2010.

130 seeds oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
I read up on morning glory seeds a lot before I actually even bought some to try out. It was probably months and months since I found out about it, and I decided to try just recently. And here's what happened.

I purchased a bunch of packets of MG seeds from Wal-Mart one night when I was with my friends. A few nights later, I took about 130 seeds, and without washing them or anything, put them in a coffee grinder, and drank down the powder with a glass of iced tea. It was pretty late, maybe 11 or 11:30. An hour and a half later, I really didn't feel much besides my body feeling a little tense, yet still nice. I sort of felt a body high coming on, I just felt kind of light and giggly also. I remember getting a grapefruit and eating downstairs, because I fucking love grapefruit and that's what I do all the time... I was on the computer for a bit after that, and had to get offline because my concentration wasn't what it should have been, and my game of spider solitaire was going miserably. So I lay down on my bed, and I just kind of smiled and rolled about for a while, because it just felt so comfy and nice to do so. But not too long after that, I began to get stomach cramps, and an odd dull pain around my belly button. I felt a little nauseous, and I wouldn't have been able to sleep through the night if I tried my damndest. So I ended up trying to sleep, but instead I'd doze off a little, only to be woken up again by sharp sickening stomach pains, and having to run to the bathroom a few times an hour. I didn't throw up, but the diarrhea was fucking rediculous. It sucked so bad. I felt like I had a bad case of food poisoning.

Next morning, I got up a little late for school, probably around 7. I felt a little sick, but not too bad. I was actually gonna go to school, but I ended up staying in bed a bit, and going to the bathroom a few times. But this is where it really kicked in, and I mean the sickness. I began having horrible stomach cramps and pains again, and spent a while on my toilet with my head over my sink, just letting the saliva drip out of my mouth, because I was secreting so much, and it tasted of the morning glory seeds so much it was making me sick, on top of the nausea I was already having. I kept getting these odd painful sensations of weakness in my legs and back, and I started to feel really hot, and even sicker. I got off the toilet and went into the shower, and as I was turning the shower on, I started to feel like I was going to pass out. I was swaying a little, and everything started to fuzz up and get black, so I had to lay down in the shower before I fell down. I pretty much lay there in the shower until the water ran cold. After this I went back to bed. I felt kind of crappy all day, and had diarrhea all day too.

That's probably the sickest I've ever felt, and I'm always god damned sick. I'll probably try it again, but next time wash the seeds, and use a different method of preparing them. And if I get sick this time, hell, I give up. I don't think it's worth getting that sick to trip, or to experiment with that crap.

I'm not saying don't try it, everyone is different. Just start off small, and try different methods. I only had 130-something seeds, and look what happened to me.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62014
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 9, 2010Views: 5,199
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Morning Glory (38) : First Times (2), Hangover / Days After (46), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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