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I Was Addicted Before I Knew It
Citation:   Tipsy guy. "I Was Addicted Before I Knew It: An Experience with Alcohol (exp62036)". Feb 22, 2018.

  repeated oral Alcohol (liquid)
Alcohol: A great mood lifter that makes me forget about all my problems until the next day when I have a vomit marathon.

Get this straight, I love to drink. I became fascinated with it's effect because it makes everything euphoric. Interacting with others and listening to tunes is the best thing when I'm drunk.

I started drinking with my friends 2 or 3 years ago, alcohol made socializing seem very easy. Every time we got drunk we awlays had funny stories to tell the next day. The thing is I didn't get hungover much about a year ago. I would just drink and maybe get dehydrated, and get a headache.

When I moved from all my friends I didn't care if I did socially or not. Sometimes I would just get drunk alone at random times. Whenever I get drunk now I get sick as hell. I guess it's because I have to drink more to get as drunk as before. I prefer liquor but whatever gets me drunk I will drink.

Before I knew it I was drinking every other day. The first I would do is get drunk as soon as I got home. It wasn't long until my family and friends started to realize I had a drinking problem. I became unconsiderate. But I'm getting better.

Today I still drink alot but I've been easing down. Going to school hungover really sucks. I even put alcohol before my life. Chores and work wouldn't get done and I would pass out unintentionally.

My parents want me to go to AA and I'm willing to go. Tonight I feel the need for a buzz atleast.

Drinking grabbed me by the throat before I knew it had hold.

Exp Year: 2005-2007ExpID: 62036
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 22, 2018Views: 1,738
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Alcohol (61) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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