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Something Different
2C-T-2 & Cannabis
Citation:   MarcusHL. "Something Different: An Experience with 2C-T-2 & Cannabis (exp62253)". May 9, 2007.

T+ 0:00
1 capsl oral 2C-T-2
  T+ 2:15 1 cig. smoked Cannabis
Until yesterday I'd never met anyone who had tried it. I'd only read about it online and in Shulgin's books. Randomly I got some from a friend. I took it at about 4:15pm. Within 45 minutes I could feel something. Nothing too defined or interesting. A certain shine was noticable on surfaces, a general brightening of perception, and a bit of a mood lift. I was in that state for two and a half hours.

I had almost given up hope of any kind of intense experience. At about +2:15 hours Dylan and I walked to some friends' house to pick up some weed. After waiting for the weed to get there and smoking a joint, we started walking home. It was at this point I noticed the full effects begin. Weed definitely intensifies the effects. I felt a bit jittery, but that was the only negative effect. In addition to that I felt a bit giddy and noticed some flowing of greys and yellows when I closed my eyes. A certain honesty in thought patterns was prevalent. Not only was I naturally guided to a sober and accurate assessment of my thoughts, I seemed to have no tolerance for hanging on to any illusions or delusions. This substance is very valuable for self-reflection.

When we got home, we smoked some more weed and listened to music. It was at this point I noticed something that had been happening, with less intensity, almost since I took the pill. I had been noticing strange smells, not unpleasant but certainly something I had never smelled before. With the music turned up louder the smell got stronger, and I realized I had been smelling a sound, a note. This is called 'synesthesia'. It happens some times on psychedelic drugs. Personally I could count on one hand the times its happened to me before last night, but 2C-T-2 is known for causing it. Colour and form, both when I closed my eyes and when I had them open, shifted and changed depending on the sound I was listening to. It didn't happen constantly through the experience, but enough that I could examine what was happening. At several points I got the distinct impression that the Closed-Eye Visuals were liquidy or rubbery, stretching outward and then being pulled back into the center of my vision.

I spent most of the night laying down and paying attention to my thoughts and the sensory effects. The CEV's were quite beautiful. I could change them and control them to a certain extent. Lots of fine, colourful lines flowing inward and outward. Some faces and recognizable objects, but all looking like they were lit from inside with a soft, diffuse, colourful light.

Side effects included some nausea, and light-headedness, and I got a pretty nasty headache as I came down that lasted till the morning. However, I'm coming down with a cold, so that probably contributed to the headache.

I will certainly try 2C-T-2 again, probably at a higher dose. It was rather intense at times, but I think the danger of confusing or scaring oneself at higher doses of 2C-T-2 is less so than with a large dose of, say, LSD or Psilocybin. I'm told there's quite a bit more of this stuff available.

Three days after trip: I still feel quite good about the experience. There is something matter-of-fact about it. Its somehow less other-worldly than LSD or Psilocybin. Its there, its happening to me. I'd call my first experience a good +++ on the Shulgin scale. Though I wasn't blown away, I can imagine how an experience with 2C-T-2 would reach a ++++. I look forward to trying it again.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62253
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 9, 2007Views: 8,671
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2C-T-2 (53) : Music Discussion (22), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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