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One Hell of a Sleeping Pill
Pharms - Flurazepam
Citation:   JSleeper. "One Hell of a Sleeping Pill: An Experience with Pharms - Flurazepam (exp62439)". Jun 26, 2018.

  oral Pharms - Diazepam (daily)
  30 mg oral Pharms - Flurazepam (pill / tablet)
Background: I have a very long and complicated history with various psychotropic medications. I could take up an entire page just listing the various medications I have taken. When I was scripted for Dalmane, both my doctor and I knew that it would NOT work as a long-term solution for insomnia. (This is explained at the end of this text.) The script was written because I was going out of town the next day and I was in dire need of sleep. I did not take it for recreational purposes, however I can see it being abused as a recreational drug.

I took one pill (30 mg) after being up for about 30 hours straight. I took it and quickly turned off all the lights and laid down in bed. I felt it start to take hold about 15 minutes in. I became very relaxed, both mentally and physically. After about 25 minutes, it began to feel as if I were dreaming (thoughts were random and were completely unrealistic, yet they seemed reasonable and real at the time.) I enjoyed this feeling, and I savored the knowledge that sleep was imminent.
I savored the knowledge that sleep was imminent.
I am unsure of how long this went on, as my perception of time was most likely distorted at that point. Just before I went to sleep, it felt as if my mind completely dissociated from my body, and the last thing I remember was a mental image of a blue-colored brain peacefully rising from my head and into the air, getting larger as it got further away from me. (It was not a hallucination by any stretch, just a mental image, much like what you just pictured when you read that description.) I smiled gently, let out a sigh of relief, and drifted off seamlessly into blissful oblivion.

This drug was, as I said, only a temporary solution. It worked twice. After that it only served to increase my tolerance to Valium, which I still needed for anxiety. I knew this was a risk, given the EXTREMELY long elimination half life of Dalmane and its cross-tolerance with other benzodiazepines. I consider it to be an excellent 'emergency killswitch'.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 62439
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 26, 2018Views: 2,255
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Pharms - Flurazepam (403) : Medical Use (47), Combinations (3), First Times (2), General (1), Alone (16)

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