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Snorted v Oral
Citation:   Anonymous. "Snorted v Oral: An Experience with Methadone (exp62576)". Mar 17, 2018.

5 mg insufflated Methadone (ground / crushed)
  5 mg oral Methadone (pill / tablet)
I have been an opiate (pill) user for several years. My preferred method of ingestion is insufflation (snorting).

I recently came across several 10mg Methadone tablets. I first did my research on the pill and decided to give my preferred method a go. I crushed and snorted half of a tablet (5mg), not too bad, no harsh burn. Although afterward it felt as though there was a dried pea stuck in my nasal cavity, weird. This lasted until the 'drip' was able to clear the powder away.

Later decided to swallow other half of tablet. About a half hour later, the effects kicked in. Orally ingested, the effects lasted much longer.

Good strong opiate buzz. Well worth it. No negatives yet (I'm still high as of this submission), except the strange 'dried pea' sensation.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62576
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 17, 2018Views: 2,303
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