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My Head Nods and Weaves
Citation:   andrea. "My Head Nods and Weaves: An Experience with Hydromorphone (exp62804)". Jun 28, 2018.

3 mg oral Hydromorphone (liquid)
My experience with dilaudids

As I sit here and write this, I am under the infuence of hydromorphone.. Or dilaudids.

I have had experience in the past with a number of drugs, and have enjoyed alot of the experiences with them. Hydromorphone though is a completely different high. I was prescribed Liquid Dilaudid for my broken jaw. While in the hospital they injected dilaudids into me and each time it would knock me out for 4 hours or so and then id wake up feeling very relaxed. They then prescribed me liquid dilaudid for home, well I'm now home and I take 2-4 mgs every 4-6 hours.

The high itself its pleasurable. My head nods and weaves, my body is heavy but relaxed. There is no feeling of pain at all and I completely detached from the outside world. Nothing can ruin how I feel. Eventually I pass out.. Sleep it off and I awake nicely refreshed.

So all in all, I've had a good experience with the dilaudids, I havent gotten the sickness thats mentionned. And I also can see why they are so addicting.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 62804
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 28, 2018Views: 2,864
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Hydromorphone (300) : General (1), Medical Use (47), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Alone (16)

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