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Flyin Down The Highway
Crack & Cannabis
Citation:   PuRpLe9HaZe6. "Flyin Down The Highway: An Experience with Crack & Cannabis (exp62987)". Jun 16, 2009.

1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    smoked Crack (freebase)
The first time I tried crack/cocaine I didn’t expect it to ever happen but I was pursueded to try it and see if I wanted to come back for more (I didn’t). After I had bought the weed as usual and the extra little rock I waited until later in case I started acting too weird and loaded my bong with the weed wrapped around a few of the crack rocks, and when I started smoking the smoke didn’t seem to taste or smell any different so I continued to hit the same bowl a few times until I started to taste the most fowl taste ever and for some reason I felt as though I had to continue to smoke even though the taste was so awful.

Then after I was done smoking for what seemed for a while I lied down and turned on my television and while I usually just watch tv and laugh at bad jokes for a few hours I didn’t even pay any attention to the tv and just looked at the lights surrounding the tv and it looked like they were moving as though I were driving down the highway at night with lights on both sides of the car going 100 miles an hour. While I was looking at the lights I heard myself laughing without realizing it and then passed out after about a half hour and woke up with the worst dry mouth ever. I don’t think I had any saliva for almost the rest of the day. While all of this was fun and all I don’t think I want to end up a crackhead.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 62987
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 16, 2009Views: 12,866
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Crack (82) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), General (1), Alone (16)

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