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Expensive But Worth It
Citation:   SideEffect. "Expensive But Worth It: An Experience with AET (exp63071)". Jun 8, 2007.

200 mg oral AET (capsule)
I read about people insuffulating this to bring it on quicker, don't do this. It burns. I made my eyes tear and water for 50 minutes before the oral dose kicked in.
It hits me much like MDEA does, a stoney and strong rolling feeling. It has visuals and a euphoria I can easily describe as selfish. Unlike x, I don't feel like hugging others or being particually nice or open. It isnt' that I can't, I just don't feel the empathic urge to do so. It brought on a heavyness to my eyes that made me want to keep them closed. It had an opiate like nodding off effect that was plesant, and quite easy to sleep on.

The effects last about 5-6 hours, I found that the Tihkal dosages are a bit shy of what is needed for me. The 00 capsules filled up seem to make about 200-220mg of this, and that is what I need to get rolling.

The after effects are great, for the next two to three days I'll feel just fine. No crash, quite the opposite, I feel good. I'm guessing that's the antidepressant part working. A fellow experimentor noted that ketamine brought on the 'roll' just like it does with ecstacy.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63071
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 8, 2007Views: 13,393
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AET (299) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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