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Rivea corymbosa seeds & H.B. Woodrose
Citation:   Dagge. "Unpleasant: An Experience with Rivea corymbosa seeds & H.B. Woodrose (exp63404)". Feb 13, 2010.

T+ 0:00
5 oral Turbina corymbosa (seeds)
  T+ 0:05 32 oral Turbina corymbosa (seeds)
  T+ 0:45 2 oral H.B. Woodrose (seeds)
  T+ 1:00 8 oral H.B. Woodrose (seeds)
  T+ 4:45 10 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
  T+ 6:00 10 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
I have tried different seeds containing LSA over 2 years and I find the substance very interseting. Three days ago a friend called and said he had just got some seeds he had ordered from the internet and he wanted to try them out with me. After school I got to his apartment and we counted the seeds. It was 37 Rivea Corymbosa and 10 HBW each. My mindset was calm and it was a perfect grey day. My experience from LSA-seeds is that you should take a few and then wait for at least half an hour.

1500. We take about five coymbosa each and chew them for five minutes, then swallow, very bitter taste. My friend tells me to take some more, I thought that the corymbosa was some weak crap that really wouldnt work so I took the rest 32 seeds and my friend takes his.

1530 I´m feeling very tired and the room feels strange, almost hostile. (I have very low tolerance for almost every drug I´ve tried) We listen to infected mushroom and laugh at nothing, feelings of well being though the room feels hostile and very foreign.

1545 We take the first two HBWs and decide to go out for a walk. We got to a nice spot by the river and both where feeling dissorientated and looking inwards into ourselves. Kind of psykadelic and at the same time sedating, very calm and inwards. We take the rest of the HBW.

1600 Slowly I´m loosing my grip on reality and I cant concentrate on what my friend says. We take our bicykles and he follows me for a bit on the way home. Time is going very fast now and the clouds in the sky are moving faster then possible. We stop in a park and throw up and then I go home.

1615: I´m lying in my bed not knowing whether I´m dead or alive. My pulse is fast and very weak, hardly noticable and I think I have three hearts and three lungs. I float out and in of my body and my body constantly changes shape and the organs are moving around and increase in numbers. I think I´m going to die at this point and every three minutes (or every 15) I go to the bathroom to pee. My mom asks me if I´m drunk and I say no I´m just tierd. My pupills are enormous and I´m pale and shaking.

I decide I have to get some food so I take some leftovers out of the fridge. It takes forever to put the food on a plate and still it´s a very small portion of food. I feel so sick when I eat and it´s hard beacause my hands are chaning shape. When I look at my watch it looks like salvador Dalis watch, its melting and the hands are all crooked and time is going too fast.

1945: I still think I´m going to die so I walk up too my mom and say I dont feel so good. she says I can have one of my zolpidem pills now and I shouldnt worry. (I suffer from a mental illness, I know I shouldn´t do drugs) When the pill kicks in I dont think about all the weird stuff around me and I am no longer transforming and changing organs. Now I am a steelbar with two steelarms instead and I feel better. When I watch TV I´m sucked into the programs and I cant read the text in the shows.

2100: I take the other zolpidem pill and fall asleep confused and laughing.

The next day I couldnt concentrate on anything and for some reason I liked Gwen Stefani (open mind). Now, three days later I´m still in this strange world I entered through those seeds, it´s far better then the first day but still I suffer from blurred vision, no feeling in my face and my hands are growing and changing form. It´s like I get flashbacks now and then and I really hope I will get out of this. My advice: DON`T TAKE TOO MUCH.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63404
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 13, 2010Views: 11,630
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Turbina corymbosa (116), H.B. Woodrose (26) : Combinations (3), Post Trip Problems (8), HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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