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From Depressed Teen to Happy Person
MDMA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   An Anarchist. "From Depressed Teen to Happy Person: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp63615)". Sep 22, 2009.

  repeated   MDMA
When I was younger (I am now 19) I used to be very depressed and have many suicidal tendancies. All I ever wanted was a solution, something that could make me happy and loving. I went to many psychiatrists and they were never any real help. I hadn't done very many drugs in the past but I decided that I would try ecstacy because it looked like something I may enjoy. So the day came when I asked my 'dealer' about obtaining some tabs of x. I took one that night and to my astonishment nothing happened. Feeling even more depressed I got more and eventually after dosing myself started feeling the effects. It was paradise! I was in love with ecstacy.

So being that I lived in Louisiana, Katrina hit. I was devastated. No longer was I free and able to smoke weed and roll and trip and all my other fun adventures of the mind. I had to find a new dealer, and eventually did. That is when I started rolling very heavily every week. I was still depressed around these times, but the x helped cheer me up. After a while when I would take the x I would do some soul searching. And like a butterfly I evolved from a manically depressed, suicidal, teen, to a happy energetic loving person. Soon enough I did not even need the x to be happy. I learned to love and respect myself and others. I am currently the happiest I have ever been. I am still an ecstacy user and ecstacy changed my life for the better.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63615
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Sep 22, 2009Views: 7,475
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MDMA (3) : Not Applicable (38), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Depression (15), Health Benefits (32), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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