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Tasting Salvia's Kiss Thru Cannabis
Salvia divinorum & Cannabis - Hash
by MS
Citation:   MS. "Tasting Salvia's Kiss Thru Cannabis: An Experience with Salvia divinorum & Cannabis - Hash (exp6365)". Jun 30, 2001.

  smoked Cannabis - Hash  
    smoked Salvia divinorum (leaves)
It was about 12:10 AM on 4/20/2001 and I had started the ritual of administering myself some cannabis hits. I used a strip of (cheap) hash and a small hand pipe. I probably took about 5 moderately deep hits of the hash and started to enjoy the results. After about 20 minutes(now about 12:40), I decided to smoke some salvia for some reason(I think a little man in my nose-hairs told me...).

I had about an ounce of salvia I had bought and tried alone numerous times(with little results). I took a healthy leaf and only got a couple of hits before I started having miraculous results. The hash I had been smoking was rather low quality and would make me sedated and stoned, but not really 'high.' After smoking the Salvia, I began to have wonderful visuals and started to have what felt like a mellow X peak. Overall, it added some very trip-like elements to my Cannabis high. It is now 1:30 AM and I feel absolutely kittlebunk. Cannabis + Salvia is a great combination :)


Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6365
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 30, 2001Views: 6,531
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Cannabis - Hash (93), Salvia divinorum (44) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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