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A Day at the Circus
Citation:   toastedbunny. "A Day at the Circus: An Experience with Zolpidem (exp63861)". Jan 15, 2020.

T+ 0:00
25 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:30   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
The night before I made sure I got a full nights sleep. I was told if I take the pill while wide awake I would be more likely to stay awake and trip. Also I was sure to not eat prior to taking ambien because I figured the effects would be much more intense this way.

So me and my boyfriend meet up at about noon the day we planned to trip together, we went to some secretive park-area in his neighborhood where nobody ever goes. It's a very secluded area surrounded my trees and a field. It was a very nice day, about 75 degrees fahrenheit and partly cloudy.

1pm--We dose, I take 25 mg and he takes 40 mg. We then start walking down the trail toward the park.

1:10-- I started to feel a little more happy and outgoing, much like being drunk. I tried talking to this older lady who was training her dogs (she's a dog trainer) in the pond that's at the park but I mumbled my words a bit. This is when I noticed the ambien was starting to effect me.

1:15-- I am lost all of a sudden, and surrounded by pink cartoon clown-like figures, I thought I was at some circus. I was yelling for my boyfriend because I had no idea where I was, and all of a sudden his head appeared before me. He told me not to worry and that we were getting closer to the bench at the park.

1:20-- I'm finally at the bench, not sure of how I got there, and I tell my boyfriend to light up some bud.

1:40(?)-- I think the bud is catching my throat on fire and I try to spit out my hit I had taken, for some reason I believe the hit had taken a form of substance rather than a puff of smoke. My boyfriend claims there must be cherry bombs in the weed, and we both hallucinate that where I tried to 'spit out my hit' that smoke has appeared there.

2:00-- my boyfriend tells me he sees something, I ask him what it is and he tells me not to worry. I then believe I can communicate with his hallucination, but he tells me repeatedly that I can't see it and it can't see him but he can see it. I finally give up on trying to talk to it and return to the bench to relax and enjoy my trip.

2:15-- I feel really uncomfortable and don't know why. I stand up and feel like I'm going to puke. I kneel down on my knees and begin purging. (Probably should have aten instead of dosing on an empty stomach).

2:30-- My boyfriend asks me if I have been seeing double, I tell him yes, and notice his eyes are multiplying then emerging into eachother. I then notice that the bench, and trees are doubled.

(hazy...don't remember anything)

3:00-- I ask my boyfriend what time it is and tell him to check my cell phone to make sure no one has called. I see a missed call from my friend christie, who I then call back. I still feel the ambien in full effect, along with the cannabis, and she can tell right away as soon as I call that I'm on something.

3:30(?)-- I try standing up multiple times but the ground is shifting and rising up and down, I fall down many times and eventually give up trying to walk/stand.

(huge memory loss....)

5:30-- I remember getting up and putting in eye drops and telling my boyfriend we should go, considering his parents wanted us to eat dinner at 6pm.

5:45-- I finally return to my car, which was parked outside of the park. I don't really remember how I got there though..

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
5:50-- I try to drive to my boyfriends house, but we keep coming back to the same cultasac, forgetting we had already went that way but remembering once we see we're driving to the cultasac again.

6:00-- I feel a lot more sober now, still surroundings are a little bit more real and not so dis-located. Though when my boyfriends parents talk to me I feel a little drowsy and out-of-it.

For the most part, I don't remember practically any of my trip. I know the trip was fun and exciting but the fact that I can't remember is a bit frightening. I ended my trip with bruised/scratched legs from falling and other stuff I don't recall doing. When I drove home later that night after tripping, my car started smoking and now I'm worried I may have done something to it while on ambien that I don't remember =/

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 63861
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 15, 2020Views: 1,263
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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