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The First and Last Time
Citation:   Jeremy. "The First and Last Time: An Experience with DHEA (exp6405)". Apr 22, 2001.

350 mg oral DHEA (capsule)
Over the past year I have got into body building a bit. Started working out three days a week and eating good. One day I was reading thru a magazine and read about how DHEA can raise testosterone levels resulting in mild gains in muscle mass. So I decided to go pick up a bottle of the stuff at wall mart. After I had bought it and got home I checked what the recommended dosage was. It was clearly marked 50 mg a day. But what I had read in the magazine said that for it to be effective a dosage of 250 mg or more would be needed. So stupid me I popped 7 tabs equalling 350 mg.
Big mistake!

After an hour I had noticed an increase in strength and mental clarity. This lasted for about 3 hours. Soon after I had an intense headache which seemed really odd considering that I hardly ever have them. That night when I went to bed I had very bad sleep. The next day I woke up unrefreshed and it seemed I only slept for maybe an hour. You could say I was very unpleased with this supplement and will not take it ever again. This was the first and last time for DHEA.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6405
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 22, 2001Views: 49,008
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DHEA (171) : Unknown Context (20), Health Problems (27), First Times (2)

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