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A Paradigm Shift?
Citation:   thedoctor. "A Paradigm Shift?: An Experience with Ketamine (exp64078)". Mar 17, 2018.

  oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  75 mg   Ketamine (liquid)
Set & Setting: My flat in central London, post dinner and a bottle of wine with my girlfriend/partner/lover, Very relaxed. Had 'aquired' a small syringe of ketamine 75 mg in all. Was feeling develish-descreetly injected. I'm a professional kids and used fully sterile kit. My girlfriend is a very straight, sensible (but wordly)kind of girl. Needless to say-she had no idea-a challenge to say the least.

Prep: Sterile kit, darkened room, chilling music, massage oil, candles-you get the idea.

Experience: Id had ketamine in 'pills' before (300 'flatliners'-what turned out to be MDMA and ket 50:50 on testing. Id never expirienced the 'godess ketamine' in all her glory.

Essentialy thats not what this expirience was either. Touch-as I stroked and massaged my naked lovers back-was the most amazing feeling. The ket kicked in within a few moments. Music was too loud and very strange-despite being so familiar to me. I struggled to hold it together at first. Then I let go!

I must have massaged for 10mins REAL time-this seemed like hours.It was sensual but strangley detached. This gave me a feeling of perspective on my complex relationship with this woman. I had to act normal!

We talked had a couple more drinks-I would not advise this-ever! Saying that I was fine an amazed my self how well I held it together. We left mine and went to her flat. All was well-sex was...normal.

Overall: The power of touch on ketamine gave me an expirience that I can only compere to my most 'huggy' E'd up moments. So detached and removed from anything emotional. Yet it gave me perspective-maybe...shes not the one for me....even though I care deeply about her.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64078
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 17, 2018Views: 884
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Relationships (44), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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