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Chest Pain While Ill
Modafinil & Ibuprofen
Citation:   gargoyle8857. "Chest Pain While Ill: An Experience with Modafinil & Ibuprofen (exp64496)". Jan 31, 2019.

200 mg oral Modafinil (pill / tablet)
  600 mg oral Pharms - Ibuprofen (pill / tablet)
I've been using Modafinil regularly for about a year. On the whole, I've found it to be a wonderful substance, enabling me to get a lot more done than I could before. Up to this point, I've had no serious negative reactions to Modafinil at all.

A few days ago I became ill - probably the flu or strep throat. Not a life-threatening condition, for certain. Anyways, wanting to give myself a bit more enthusiasm for the tasks I had set in front of me, I popped 600mg of ibuprofen (which I'd done many times previous without ill effects) along with 200mg of modafinil (again, no problems with the substance).

After about 1hr, I became remarkably irritable and had to stop what I was working on. I then began to feel some pretty intense dull pains in my chest. I writhed in agony at home for approx. 1.5 hours after this - the whole experience was quite awful. After that period, the pains subsided, and I feel fine... but what a shock! Again, I've taken hundreds of tabs of Modafinil without incident, and I'm sure that any interaction between Modafinil and ibuprofen would have been well-documented by now. Just a warning, perhaps, that taking Modafinil while ill may give the user a bit more than he or she bargained for?

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64496
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 31, 2019Views: 2,116
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Modafinil (217) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Health Problems (27), Alone (16)

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