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That's About It
Citation:   SOME fun. "That's About It: An Experience with MDMA (exp6473)". Apr 26, 2001.

  tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
ok.....most of the time I wouldnt really comment about anything I read on the internet, but the write up about the loss of magic of mdma was way too familiar to me, to not comment about. Me and a couple of my best friends broke away from the traditional party scene about a year and half ago to enter the after hours club, heavy drugs scene. For a period of about 9 months is a total blur to me now. All I remember is going to a dirty old afterhours club, hanging out with other club rats, and getting fucked up beyond belief a couple nights a week from around midnight to eight AM. Since then, I moved away to go to school and only go back about once a month to try and reenact those FUCKED UP days. Its just NEVER the same, the vibe is different, the drugs are WEAK, and I just have mysef questioning what the fuck I was doing. Hangovers from tabs are hell now, from just taking one or two. We used to take up to 4 a night along with endless amounts of weed and adderol to add to the top. I dont know...thats about it, its just what ever it was that had us sooooo hooked is hard for me to even see at all now.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 6473
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 26, 2001Views: 4,608
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MDMA (3) : Club / Bar (25), Loss of Magic (34), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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