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A Great Experience
2C-E & Cannabis
Citation:   Bhamlaxy. "A Great Experience: An Experience with 2C-E & Cannabis (exp64813)". Aug 17, 2007.

T+ 0:00
2 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:20 15 mg oral 2C-E (powder / crystals)
  T+ 6:20 1 hit smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 6:50 1 hit smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I have a small amount of experience when it comes to psychadelics. I have done plenty of shroom trips, along with two acid trips. After the person who we usually buy weed from told us he would be getting 2c-e, I decided to try it. I did some research and prepared myself.

I woke up at 4pm (I work a night shift) to a friend knocking on my door saying he had picked it up. I shower and head out. The setting for this trip is a decent sized college town with a lot of green space, and I was with two other people, who I will call M and K. K and I had not eaten at all that day, and M had a small meal earlier. These times are to the best of my knowledge. Certain inaccuracies may exist due to either not knowing the time or not being able to tell how long has passed since certain events.

-0:20 (twenty minutes beforehand)
M and I decide to smoke some weed after hearing about people getting nauseous. We each take two hits of chronic from a one hitter pipe.

We dose. I pour about half of mine into some apple juice, and after having trouble getting it out of the bag, lick the rest off. The juice tastes completely normal, but the stuff from the bag has a chemical-type taste to it, but isn't completely unpleasant. We hang around while K finishes up some work.

I start to feel uncomfortable. I start to think about how I am going to trip for quite a long time and get anxious. We leave for a friends house to get some blankets and a laptop to listen to music.

We arrive at the friends house. We note that we are starting to feel something, although it may be just the weed. I feel more anxiousness and my stomach is upset.

We arrive to our planned site for the trip. It is a large quad surrounded by very old looking libraries and many trees. We set everything up. At this point my anxiousness is pretty bad. M tries to calm things down.

We note that open eye visuals are beginning. Certain things like the grass slowly wave and breath. In the span of a few seconds I go from not feeling good to knowing that I need to throw up. I let my friends know that I'll be right back, and go throw up behind a bush. Immediately after I feel a LOT better, both physically and mentally, and return to my friends. We lie out on the blanket for the next 20 minutes face up looking at the sky and trees. The visuals remind me of past shroom trips. A specific experience happened when I was lying on my back looking up at the sky. The color of the sky changed into a much brighter blue and sort of melted into all the surroundings.

We get up and walk around the quad. Walking without shoes is a very interesting sensation. I call two friends and talk for a few minutes. Intense thought patterns emerge. I pull a blade of grass out of the ground and contemplate the life and death of it.

K decides to have a cigarette. The smoke coming off the cigarette moves in a very vivid pattern and appears to be multi-colored. The next hour is spent lying down touching the grass, looking at the sky, clouds, and buildings, and discussing the different visualizations. By looking at an object and focusing for a few seconds, it starts to warp and shift. Geometric patterns form on the walls of buildings, and after looking at a patch of grass, every single blade seems to be as though it were embossed. K finds a dead leaf and decides that she loves it.

Another friend arrives at the quad, I'll call him S. He decides he would like to go purchase some Salvia. I decide that although the quad is very entertaining, I wanted to venture out into the town. The idea of going some place was very interesting to me.

We arrive at the head shop. Walking around, all the bowls look amazing. Looking very closely at a few, the colors shift and move. We purchase the salvia and a torch lighter. We head next door and buy some large water bottles, as it is a pretty hot day.

We arrive back at the quad after picking up a bowl from a friends house. Although I have considerable experience with salvia, I feel that I am tripping quite strongly enough and decline. We continue to observe large visual disturbances.

We recognize extreme time dilation. In examining an event that happened two hours ago, I feel that it happened 15-20 minutes ago, while K remarks that it feels like many hours since. Next two hours are spent relaxing, talking, and zoning out on the still very apparent visual disturbances.

We decide we are no longer peaking, and feel the intensity of the hallucinations lower slightly, along with the 'mental' type high. We decide to each take a hit of a one hitter pipe of chronic. The weed seemed to bring back the visualizations, although the mental state was a lot calmer then before. We decide that having not eaten all day, we should get some food.

We go to a friends room and eat some cheese crackers. They taste sort of odd at first. After eating a few I feel content. We leave and head to another courtyard on campus.

We arrive at the new location and lay out. We each smoke 1-2 hits of weed. We lie down and remain silent for a while. I look at a tree above me and still see major visual disturbances. After focusing on the tree for a few seconds, there is this very odd image that the tree is on fire. I see the ends of the branches glow orange, and the 'flames' creeping towards the center. Then the entire tree appeared black and almost disappeared. We note that we feel far from sober and are still experiencing hallucinations.

We decide to head home. M goes to sleep, K hangs around and soon goes to sleep, I play video games for a while. I feel slightly high and mentally worn out. I know that I won't feel completely sober until I wake up the next morning.

It's currently 12 hours after first dosing. I still feel sort of a buzz. I'm very tired and about to go to sleep.

Effects in general.

===Positive Effects===
Sense of well-being (enhanced lucidity, sense of inner peace)- This was definitely apparent. During the entire time we were tripping, things remained completely lucid. I never felt extremely inebriated or anything. My path of thoughts was always really clear, and I found that the drug made it easier to examine specific thoughts or senses.

Increase in associative & creative thinking-
Definitely very apparent. Offered a new perspective on many things.

Increased awareness of senses-
Very true. We would often find ourselves touching the grass or the blanket because it felt very good. At one time, I remember pouring water on my hand because it felt very funny to me.

Visual patterning, closed and open eye visuals-
These were apparent almost the entire time, both closed and open eye visuals, and were probably the best part of the trip.

Insight into personal issues-
Also very true. Later in the night we began discussing how our drug use relates to our lives, and thoughts about why we do drugs.

===Neutral Effects===
Pupil dilation-
Only apparent at one point, when looking into a mirror at the head shop.

Difficulty focusing, restlessness-
Not a major problem, but at certain points I found the need to stand up and walk around.

Change in perception of time-
Extreme. Occurred at many random times during the trip, and made it hard to recall the times of events without checking my phone to draw parallels between phone calls and events.

Increase in body temperature and pulse-
At times around the come-up I could feel my pulse very high. The day was very hot, so we were naturally pretty warm.

=Negative Effects=
Muscle tension and aching-
Not very apparent except for now. I feel a little sore, but thats about it.

Jaw tension-
Not a major problem at all. There were one or two times during a particularly intense hallucination that I would realize I was biting down pretty hard, but I stopped.

Gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea and vomiting-
For me, this definitely happened. It wasn't really discomfort though. It was that I knew I was going to throw up, I did, and felt a lot better afterwards. M felt no stomach discomfort, and K felt some mid-trip but it quickly subsided. I believe had I eaten something small, I would have been able to overcome the nausea, but I tend to get nauseous when I'm really hungry, so the two seemed to combine.

Thats all! It was a pretty good trip in general, and I'm happy I got over the anxiety quickly.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64813
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 17, 2007Views: 7,903
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2C-E (137) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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