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Laughing A Lot With Lots Of Colors
Citation:   holly. "Laughing A Lot With Lots Of Colors: An Experience with 2C-T-2 (exp64972)". Jan 10, 2018.

1 tablet   2C-T-2 (pill / tablet)
I had a friend who was selling 2c-t-2 recently and I bought some from him. About half an hour after taking it, I felt slight nausia and I was informed that other people who had taken it before experienced the same. I guess an hour later it kicked in. The visuals and overall feeling were stronger and more intense than any lsd or mushroom experience that I have ever had. I could see colors all over the room, lines weren't define, and everything was moving kind of like waves. When I moved my hand across my face it looked like my hand was trailing behind it. I was really messed up and laughing a lot. It was pretty amazing and lasted probably over 10 hours.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64972
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 10, 2018Views: 1,354
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2C-T-2 (53) : General (1), First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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