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Useful as an Anti-emetic
Datura Stramonium
Citation:   Affable Psycho. "Useful as an Anti-emetic: An Experience with Datura Stramonium (exp65778)". Sep 28, 2007.

15 oral Datura (seeds)
I am in the Coast Guard, assigned to a 270 foot cutter. I get seasick as hell. Dramamine doesn't work. The pills that the corpsman onboard the ship gave me didn't work. Then I found out that Scopolamine is a leading prescription drug for motion sickness, so I decided to try D. Stramonium seeds for the same effect. It works absolutely wonderfully. With a dose as small as 10 seeds, I feel no sickness whatsoever, and there are little to no side effects. The most I ever get is very slight drymouth.

I'd grind the stuff up and put it in capsules to sell commercially if it weren't for that the FDA has deemed it unfit for human consumption.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65778
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 28, 2007Views: 15,410
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Datura (15) : Medical Use (47), Various (28)

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