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Pills Not Like Tea
Citation:   DChild. "Pills Not Like Tea: An Experience with Kava (exp65934)". Sep 14, 2009.

1500 mg oral Kava (pill / tablet)
My girlfriend and I recently tried Kava extract in tablet form, and having already experienced the traditional 'tea' method from the ground root, we both agreed that this might be a more pleasant alternative. We were wrong.

We each consumed approx. 30 tablets over the course of about 45min. Initially there were no real effects as opposed to the normal timeline of kava tea (except minor stomach discomfort). About 2 hours later, we both felt quite tired and sick, my girlfriend experienced none of the positive kava effects, I experienced minor effects, such as feeling light, a little warm and fuzzy, but nothing compared to the traditional drink. About 3 hours had passed, we both felt very tired and decided to go to bed. We both woke up at different stages during our sleep (we both went to bed around 11pm, I woke up at 2am, my gf at 4am). We were both in quite distressing stomach discomfort and nausea, complete with the inability to go back to sleep for a number of hours.

Our experience was horrible and we will be sticking to the mud flavored drink!

*Tablets came in a container of 60 tablets, brought from a health food shop, Medi-Herb brand. Equiv dry root 3.2grams, 50mg kavalactones.*

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65934
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 14, 2009Views: 29,139
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Kava (30) : Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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