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A Day of Experimenting
Salvia divinorum (20x extract) & Cannabis
Citation:   Dental Floss. "A Day of Experimenting: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (20x extract) & Cannabis (exp66210)". Dec 5, 2022.

T+ 0:00
1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
  T+ 0:00 1 hit smoked Cannabis (flowers)
  T+ 3:00 1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
  T+ 3:30 1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
  T+ 7:00 1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
I am somewhat new to the world of expanding the mind. I started smoking pot regularly about two months ago and now I'm looking for a different high. I had heard that some head shops in town sell Salvia so I researched it a bit and decided to buy it.

I went to a head shop and bought what looked like two grams of Salvia 20x extract. Since it was 20x extract, I decided to do small amounts of it to induce feelings of a normal Salvia experience instead of an intense one. It was about 6 PM when I walked to E's dorm and we smoked a half pot, half Salvia bowl. After we did two hits each, E got up and said, 'Try walking.' I moved my legs and suddenly felt them turn to stones using all of their might to pull themselves back to the ground. The feeling only lasted for a few seconds then my legs felt lighter. I described the feeling in my legs to E and then asked him if he was feeling anything. He said his body just felt different and that it was hard to describe. He then told me that he felt the room spinning.

I decided to sit down and my body got a stone feeling to it as I hit the chair. The feeling went away quickly after though. Since my body felt normal, I began to suspect that the amount of Salvia that I smoked wasn't enough to experience what Salvia is supposed to be like. E started to say something about what was on T.V. and started laughing. I joined laughing with him because I thought it was the funniest thing I had ever seen. E and I laughed for about thirty seconds and then we both stopped. I stood up and started walking and realized that I could get up without having a feeling of heavy legs. The Salvia had finally stopped affecting me. E felt the same. We then decided to do a full bowl later in the evening.

It was about 9 PM when we drove to the nearby park. We were using a new pipe to smoke the full Salvia bowl. We ended up smoking 2 bowls of Salvia. I started thinking about the first time I did Salvia and the feeling I got from trying to walk. Then I got up and started walking around in circles for a few seconds saying, 'Hey, look. I'm walking on Salvia. I'm walking on Salvia.' I still kept saying it even though I didn't feel the same way as earlier when I walked. I sat back down and looked at the scenery. I noticed a hill off to the right and then I felt like a six foot tall hill surrounded the table at which we were sitting. I started looking around. I turned my head to the left and right for probably thirty seconds and all I could see around was a hill with a rounded top ringed around me about twenty feet away. The hill got boring to me and I looked at the table. I remembered that I was surprised earlier that people were in the park at 9 PM on a Saturday. I turned around to see if they were still there and I saw cardboard cut-outs of people smiling at me about fifty feet away.
I remembered that I was surprised earlier that people were in the park at 9 PM on a Saturday. I turned around to see if they were still there and I saw cardboard cut-outs of people smiling at me about fifty feet away.
I started laughing harder than when I laughed with E in my earlier Salvia experience. E then said to me, 'Let's go.' I asked where we were going and he told me that we were going back to the dorms. I felt as only twenty seconds had passed while we sat at the table high on Salvia but E told me that it was about five minutes. At first, I had forgotten everything I did while we were high but about five minutes later, I remembered it.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
We got back to the dorms at about 9:30 PM. We were sitting in E's room when I said, 'Hey, do you want to try another bowl?' E said he was done with it for a little bit. I took this opportunity to ask E if he could tell me everything that I do while I'm high since he would be sober this time. I remember letting out my breath and then looking at what was on T.V. I then saw myself standing in a line of 5 people. A person who was then someone I perceived as a mother said to us, 'Who wants food?!' Then we all said, 'Me!' I looked at the T.V. again and noticed the mother-figure I just thought of was the same person in the commercial that was on. The entire time I'm noticing the woman on the T.V. I tried explaining to E that I thought I was in the T.V. somehow while constantly laughing. He didn't know what I was saying so I kept repeating the same sentence ten times while laughing. I'm not too sure what happened after that. I remember E saying to me frequently, 'What are you trying to say?' I then got out of my chair and asked E how much time had passed since I smoked my bowl. He told me about five minutes, but again to me it felt like twenty seconds.

At about 1 AM, I was at the same park I went to E with three hours earlier with E and some more people. E and I sat down with two other people from our party. We weren't talking much so I asked E if he wanted to try the Salvia again. We smoked a bowl. This is the experience that I remember the least about. After letting out my breath, I looked straight ahead at the river and laughed. I know I did more than this but I have no idea what went on. I asked how much time had passed since we smoked the bowl and the usual 'five minutes' came up from E. I asked one of the other people that was sitting with us about what I did and he told me that I was drunk stumbling around.

Overall, I'd say Salvia's a pretty strange experience. When I first smoked Salvia, I thought it was supposed to make time seem slower but it was actually very fast for me. I'll probably never do Salvia again unless I'm offered. It was about 17 USD for seven total bowls of 20x extract. All it did for me was make me laugh and almost forget about what I did.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66210
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 5, 2022Views: 663
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Cannabis (1), Salvia divinorum (44) : Various (28), Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2), General (1)

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