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Tonight Is the Last Time I Do It
Ketamine & Alcohol
Citation:   Evil E. "Tonight Is the Last Time I Do It: An Experience with Ketamine & Alcohol (exp66329)". Dec 19, 2018.

  oral Alcohol  
    repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
First of all... the first time I was introduced to this drug is when I saw a guy I know high on it, doing bumps, during a party. He looked like he was drunk. He was just trying to find his equilibrium... and I didn't make much of it. But he did bumps more than once... and seemed somewhat hooked to it.

I was never attracted to snorting substances, because that is how you do hard drugs... it kinda of always disgusted me.

Anyways, after some research on the Internet I found out that you could have out of your body experiences with this substance and that it is also addictive. It didn't interest me.

At some point of my life I was working too much, getting way too drunk on the week-ends and went to after-hours party afterwards. I usually ended up dancing all night long while popping. I decided to quit popping because it was not good for my health. One night, I decided to purchase K instead of popping... Did 1 or 2 bumps with the pusher in the bathroom... and went back home. Nothing much happened...

The next day I woke up with a small flask full of it. I just decided I wanted nothing to do with that and flushed it down the drain. Nothing much happened from that... but I was not afraid of doing it anymore. I did 1 or 2 bumps a couple times with a friend of mine who does some... nothing much happened anyways... just a drunk-like buzz...

I didn't know it, but it was all about to change. One night, I went out with that friend, got pretty drunk (as in very drunk). He wasn't drunk. As usual, when I'm drunk I have great ideas. So I decided to get 200$ from a cash machine and go to an after-hour.

We got inside and ordered some K. We went to the bathroom and started doing a couple bumps. Since I was drunk I wanted to do the whole flask (I didn't but still ended up doing more than was needed). Anyways... At some point, my friend comes back to me (I was still in the bathroom stall standing still). He gets me out of it, and on the way out I fall down. It was just like if I was walking on ice. I don't remember much of that night, but he got me to sit down, and I was pretty much a dead corpse... I let the flask fall down and we lost all the remaining.

When my friend saw that I was pretty much in a K-hole, he tried to get me out of the place. I was still walking on ice... I had a huge struggle with my walk... I was able to get out, he gave me a lift and left me outside of my place.

I got out of the car, laid on the grass outside and started to vomit. My mind was all there, but my body wasn't. He left the scene. 15 minutes later, I kinda figured out that I had the energy to get up and go to my place to crash in my bed. That's what I did. The next day I was fucking destroyed. 10x hangover style.

I didn't think I would do that crap again... but one day, I was out with my friends at a show and was getting pretty drunk. My other friend (who does K) showed up. I ended up doing 2 bumps. I don't remember much of that night, but I was totally fucked up. I embarrassed myself in front of some lovely ladies and I somewhat regret it.

Again, I told myself that was the last time.

But tonight I was drunk again. After some partying I did 1 bump. It was ok, I was tipsy-drunkly like. Afterwards we went to another location where I did a second, bigger bump. It was the same place where I first did my K-hole.

Then it hit me. I remembered every second of my K-hole trip. I didn't want to move too much, because walking is very dangerous. I stayed where I was, and my environment became somewhat special. Senses (especially what I see) are becoming hypnotizing and difficult to deal with. It's almost like if I were in a time warp. It is very hard to describe because of that. It is very intense while I am on it, but I don't feel that way afterwards and it is somewhat difficult to fully remember the feelings.
It is very intense while I am on it, but I don't feel that way afterwards and it is somewhat difficult to fully remember the feelings.

I remembered again what happened last time... and as my friend purchased 2 more flasks of K, I tried to get him out of it... told him to exchange it for something else if he could... but he didn't want to and probably couldn't even if he wanted.

I thought K was evil. The reason is I remembered almost every second of my K-hole trip that confronted me to my biggest fear in life. My biggest fear in life is dying, and when dying becoming nothing. Like if myself, everything around me just disappears. What happens if you disappears in the after-life? Maybe you just wouldn't know it because it happens so fast, but you want to continue living....

Anyways, I now remembered my last trip.... There was maybe 15 levels...(yes I know that seems strange, and it is difficult to explain) and I was more or less dying at each level (thinking I would no longer exist) and then, by some way I was back in life... As if I die... and by a miracle way I get to live again right back afterwards. It was horrible. Imagine, feeling your biggest, deepest fear, happening 15 times in a row, and every time it is worse.

I had no recall of that happening, until tonight, when I did my second bump, where I first experienced that K-hole. It brought me a whole new perspective, memories of something that was forgotten.

I never want to experience that again... and even if I had no bad trip and somewhat enjoyed the ride tonight, just remembering the bad memories of that K-hole is too much to handle.

I will never do that crap again. K is very powerful... I will think that I am in control, but if I do more, at some point I lose it. Also... it might not be the brightest idea to mix it with alcohol, which I did every time.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66329
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 19, 2018Views: 1,450
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