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Almost Exactly Like Weed!
Yerba Mate
Citation:   Ganja smoka'. "Almost Exactly Like Weed!: An Experience with Yerba Mate (exp66738)". Feb 23, 2010.

1 bowl smoked Yerba Mate (plant material)
The other night, I really wanted to smoke some weed, but I had none. So I went looking in my herbal cabinet. There was some yerba in there and I had read online that it's a decent high, so I packed a bowl, and lit up.

It took about 5-10 minuets to start to feel anything. The high was very similar to weed. I had that same feeling in my shoulders that I get when I smoke weed. Anyway, I was concerned because after about 5 minutes, I just kept getting higher, and higher for about 15 minutes. The only real difference between a weed high and the yerba high is that I can focus a little better, and my brain actually can function better, but I'm still really spaced out!

The next morning I still felt it! I guess this is my new back-up weed!

Overall, a good high, good up-time, and no withdrawls or crashes!

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 66738
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 23, 2010Views: 24,977
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Yerba Mate (282) : General (1), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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