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A Spectrum of Emotions
Citation:   Carol. "A Spectrum of Emotions: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp67331)". Feb 6, 2016.

1.75 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
Pretty much ever since I first tried marijuana I've wanted to take it up a notch and try shrooms. They're extremely hard to find in my area so the possibility did not arise until about 3 years after the idea was first aroused. Before mushrooms, I have experimented with Ecstacy and LSD, but nothing compares to my shrooms trip. On the Friday after thanksgiving, on my fourth attempt or so to attain mushrooms, my boyfriend finally was able to get them. From the minute I woke up until 12:01 the next day, all I did was anticipate. It's not a myth that anticipation hightens the pleasure.

I was at my friend's house with her (C), my boyfriend (J), and my other friend (A). C and I were doing 1/16 and J and C were doing 1/8. These were the bluest mushrooms any of us have ever seen (in pictures or real life) so we were quite excited. The dealer we picked up from is quite a failure so we had to divide this judging by eye. The chances of this being accurate are very low, but it didn't matter very much.

We ingested the mushrooms at midnight and J and A went outside for a walk to calm their nerves. It was everyone's first time so nobody knew what to expect. C decided to do her journals for English class while we waited for the effects to kick in and the writing still made sense. We were not tripping. I simply drew swirls and happy things to calm my nerves. J and A return from their walk and suddenly we all notice something is off. But no, we can't be tripping. At around 12:45, I got a feeling very similar to ecstasy, euphoria and a smile. C turns to me and says 'this is it?'. I just laughed and told her she didn't know what she was in for.

The next hour was a blur. Things were moving back and forth horizontally and colors were separating so I could only see the primary colors. The ceiling was beyond moving. It was producing lights and emotions and dancing around. Metalocolypse was on the tv and it was flipping me out (ironically I was hoping it would be on that night just hours before). I became extremely cold yearning for a blanket. I found one, but it was one of the knitted kind consisting of many holes. I could only think about how much I wished I was at home, in my bed, sleeping. For the next hour or so all I did was tremble and dream of my bed. I had the Fear. Everything felt like perpetual deja vu, as though I had dreamed it already and now it was coming true. I just kept thinking how I already knew everything and how I just wanted to sleep to stop this nightmare. I kept apologizing for ruining everyone's time but I was later informed I wasn't even speaking. The entire time we were sitting on C's couch and all I wanted to do was leave. I forced C to accompany me to the bathroom because it was the scariest place in the world. Things all were speaking to me without words and a common life function such as urination just perplexed me and made me feel uncomfortable. I looked in the mirror and noticed my pupils have become a bit smaller. I could not have been happier.

As I return to the couch I realize I am no longer afraid. I am no longer seeing faces that aren't there. I rest on the couch and make sure that I am out of the loop. I am! I literally jump for joy and yell about how my bad trip has ended. I sink into the couch and allow my muscles to relax for the first time of my trip. My friends are being extremely supportive and I couldn't be happier. I realize that the Beatles have been playing the entire time (2 hours) and I couldn't be happier. Suddenly I felt an extremely deep connection to C J and A.

We layed on the couch on top of eachother embracing the love. The energy flow was magnificent and we were all on the same plane. We completely understood life and how love really is all we need. Hippies are the smartest people. As I looked around people had 8 arms and 4 legs each but this did not scare me. It intrigued me. As I payed attention to my senses I realized I was feeling colors, seeing music, and everything was merging. We all became the same person. I felt I had the power of the word. We had the power of the world. We held hands and noticed that everyone was soaking wet. We were leaking all over the place. I look over at C and ask her why the ceiling is leaking. She says 'that's me'. We start thinking more about life and that's when the pool of tears began to flow from mine and C's eyes. We pinpointed all our flaws: I realized I treat people terribly, and she realized that sex shouldn't be tossed around in such manners. We learned a lot about ourselves and cried on eachother.

Everything felt extremely pure. Water was the greatest substance. We cared for eachother so dearly and it made me upset when I thought about that one day I would not know these people at all. I thought of my relationships with every single friend I ever had, and apologized to them telepathically. I apologized to my parents. I thought about how tainted the society is with materialism and libido. As the trip began to entirely settle down (at around 4:30) I became extremely depressed, in a good sense. I layed down staring at the ceiling thinking about how much I learned about myself and just cried. I felt like i was reborn.

The best way to describe this experience is the feeling a mother gets when she sees her first child. The fact that I am a woman and can give the gift of life made my trip a lot more meaningful. My friendship with C has never been stronger and I have never felt a better bond with any other 3 people in my entire life.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 67331
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 6, 2016Views: 1,836
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Mushrooms (39) : Relationships (44), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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