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Pleasant Buzzing
Alcohol & Tobacco - Cigarettes
Citation:   CannabisKid. "Pleasant Buzzing: An Experience with Alcohol & Tobacco - Cigarettes (exp67825)". Jan 12, 2008.

5 shots oral Alcohol (liquid)
  3 joints/cigs smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes (plant material)
I've had many experiences with psychedelics, pills, alchohol, even cocaine. I planned not to smoke weed today but my compulsive urge to alter my mental state led me to this when my parents went to an unforseen party. I expected for the booze (drambuei) to hit my harder but I wasn't feeling it so I started smokin some cigs in my basement to pass the time. Feelin the normal sluggish effects of alchohol I thought the ciggaretes would barely affect me.

About halfway through my first cig I notice tingly feelings in my limbs and a sort of inner peace as if I could stay there for hours. By the second one I strongly felt the effects of tobacco by being sure to hold in the smoke. By the third I could barely feel my legs with the tingling up to a pleasant buzzing in my legs. I could barely stand up as I'd suddenly be overcome with my own weight and gravity forcing me to sit back down. Overall this was a pleasant experience although I did vomit towards the end from walking around too much.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 67825
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 12, 2008Views: 9,609
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Alcohol (61), Tobacco - Cigarettes (266) : General (1), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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