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Nice but Higher Dose Next Time
Citation:   rudegirl322. "Nice but Higher Dose Next Time: An Experience with Hydrocodone (exp67837)". Jan 26, 2020.

15 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
  1,875 mg oral Acetaminophen (pill / tablet)
I’m not really new to drugs, I’ve been smoking weed since I was 14, I’ve taken vicodin before, tried cocaine once, ecstasy once, valium a few times and frequently use adderall (orally and by blowing it). I recently developed bronchitis, and health services at my college gave me a prescription for 12, 5/375 hydrocodone to “help me sleep”. I also have a back injury from rowing, and a pulled muscle in my chest from coughing so hard (since I’ve been sick), so I’m hoping this will take the pain away as well. Before I took the pills I ate a bagel. Just thought I’d throw that in there.

12:32- I just took my biology final, and wanted to chill, so I took 3 of my pills. Before today, the most I had taken was 2 (I’m not sure, but I think they were 5mg pills as well). From past experience I don’t really recall feeling all that much, except really itchy on the comedown, but I’m hoping that my taking 3 I’ll be feeling good.

12:45- I realized I left my dorm key in my room, and was locked out. Awesome. Still not feeling anything.

1:02- Feeling a little tingly, but that’s about it. I have an hour and a half of nothing to do right now, I’m sitting in athletic probation study hall, so I’m hoping time is gonna pass faster with the vicodin.

1:15-I’m starting to get a tingly and warm sensation in my feet/ lower legs. It could be because I had my legs crossed, but for some reason I doubt that. I’m listening to Big D and the kids Table, and it’s a dub song, and honestly, I don’t think music has ever sounded so nice before. I’m starting to get a little itchy…

1:26- Starting feel real good. My face is kind of tingly and numb, and I’m having a little trouble focusing my eyes. I’m getting really tired, but I think that’s just because I’m sitting here doing nothing and I only got 3 and a half hours of sleep last night. The itching is still here, mainly focused around my torso and neck. A little bit on my arms as well. I’m beginning to think the itching is worth it though!

1:32- so its been an hour, and I think its pretty safe for me to say that I’m feelin pretty fucked up. This is real nice. I’m a little cold, but I think that might just be the room I’m in. I could sure go for a nap, but I’m not about to waste this high by sleeping.
I could sure go for a nap, but I’m not about to waste this high by sleeping.
Turning my head to the side fast makes me dizzy. My mouth is a little dry, but I brought a bottle of water, so I think I’m all set. Damn, I don’t want this to ever end. The music I’m listening to sounds so nice. Everything is just so nice.

1:38- I don’t think its possible, but I sort of feel like its wearing off. This is making me very unhappy. I should have taken 4...

1:42- no, its not wearing off. But I definitely should have taken 4. I would take another one right now, but they’re back in my room, and I can’t leave the place I am right now. Any way, I have a feeling that when I stand up, its gonna fuck me up A LOT.

1:45- I just closed my eyes for a few minutes, and while they were closed, I felt a swirling sensation, which I think the song I’m listening to contributed to. Getting very itchy. And thirsty. But having a good time, except for the fact that I wish I had taken more.

1:52- Having a little trouble typing. I tried to enter my password for email, and got it wrong 3 times. Even writing this entry is getting difficult. I’m messing up on almost every other word. Good thing theres spell check!

1:54- I’m starting to come down. I’m slightly disappointed.

2:14- definitely coming down, but at the same time, I’m still having trouble focusing my eyes, its feels like they’re crossed sometimes haha. I wish this wasn’t ending. Maybe I’m not coming down, because I keep getting waves of fucked up-ness. I’m really really tired. At 2:30 I can lav study hall, and I’m going to have a cigarette and take a nap. If I feel any different after my cigarette, I’ll write more, but as of right now, I feel pretty much done with my high. It was nice, however I think that my staying in one place I kind of wasted it. Next time I’m going to take the 6 I have left (30 mg hydrocodone, 2250 mg acetaminophen.) now, THAT is gonna fuck me up. =] overall, a pleasant experience.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 67837
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jan 26, 2020Views: 1,503
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Hydrocodone (111) : School (35), Medical Use (47), Glowing Experiences (4)

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