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Tension and Tremors
Citation:   Sweatyb. "Tension and Tremors: An Experience with 4-Acetoxy-DiPT (exp6831)". May 14, 2001.

12 mg oral 4-AcO-DiPT (powder / crystals)
This all occurred in a dream last night.

I finally got my hands on some 4-ACO-DIPT. After reading about it in TIHKAL my curiosity was peaked. There aren't that many trip reports out there regarding this compound so I decided to start a the low end of the dosage range.

My fiance and I each ingested 12 mgs of the 4-ACE in gelcaps. We had eaten a light meal about three hours earlier. We were just hanging around the house playing some music with the TV on in the background. I started to get some alerts in about 30 minutes. At first it was just some chills and light muscle tension. The feeling wasn't good or bad more neutral. My fiance, who I'll refer to as K, reported the same thing. The chills and slight tension started to intensify over the next 30 minutes. It turned into a nervous energy with stronger tension. My muscles felt tremors throughout especially the legs. The legs felt jello like. K said her teeth felt like they were going to fall out (weird). She also reported a similiar tremor sensation. My hands were clammy like I normally get on most psychedelics. These feelings increased a little bit over the next half hour to 45 minutes and then evened out. Mentally neither of us were affected at all. Thought process was totally clear. This buzz was all about the body. Both of us started to come down at the 2 1/2 hr. point and were pretty much baseline by 3 1/2 hrs.

I would have to say this experience was a neutral one. I didn't mind it, but, was not really impressed. K thought it was more of a negative trip. She didn't like the energy tremor that is very prevalent. I think that if our setting was better, for example being outdoors at a party, this would have been a better experience for us both. I couldn't move around because my leg is in a cast. This could have cast a negative feel as well.

I would try this material again at 15mgs. in an outdoor environment. I still think it has potential, but, watch out for those jelly legs!

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6831
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 14, 2001Views: 21,212
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4-AcO-DiPT (55) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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