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This Medication Gave Nothing but Trouble
by ZzZZ
Citation:   ZzZZ. "This Medication Gave Nothing but Trouble: An Experience with Bromazepam (exp68374)". May 30, 2018.

4.5 mg oral Bromazepam (daily)
Bromazepam Addiction

After a stupid alcohol+buds+wild lettuce party, I found myself unable to come down (or felt like) the day after, and this unplesant experience leaded me to what my doctor diagnotized as 'acute anxiety'. He gave me bromazepam for 10 days, saying that is not addictive... Hmmm

So I took my 4,5mg a day for ten days, but the anxiety did not stop so I continued with only 3mg for twenty other days. After one month I was not anxious anymore, but addicted to the substance, and so I experienced another kind of anxiety with the withdrawal.

I decided to stop, using only valerian root, red poppy and st Jhon's wort as substitutes.

It took me one mounth to break the addiction, the withdrawal symtoms include: stong anxiety, pain in the legs and so one. The pills did not only addict me, but fucked my brain and made me depressive.

Finaly I went to another doctor who gave me rhodiola (great plant!), which cured me.

The medication gave nothing but more trouble!

Now I know kava, and it is as calming as benzos. When I have occasional anxiety I use it, and it works well.


Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 68374
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 30, 2018Views: 2,845
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Bromazepam (654) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Medical Use (47), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Not Applicable (38)

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