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Long Term Fun
Cannabis, Alcohol & Inhalants - Nitrites
Citation:   Chris. "Long Term Fun: An Experience with Cannabis, Alcohol & Inhalants - Nitrites (exp68383)". Jan 15, 2008.

  repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    repeated oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
    repeated inhaled Inhalants - Nitrites (gas)
For over thirty years now every weekend I have been enjoying what I consider my favourite high. Firstly I take a few tokes of primo weed then a swig of very nice liquer then me and my boyfriend go to bed for by now I have a raging horn. Then when I'm ready to blow I sniff the amyl and then HIT THE ROOF, a very intense experience every time, never fails.

Exp Year: 1977-2007ExpID: 68383
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 15, 2008Views: 11,878
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