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The Petals Were Turning Into Liquid
Citation:   Circe. "The Petals Were Turning Into Liquid: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp6894)". May 28, 2002.

0.06 oz oral Mushrooms (tea)
Recently, a friend of mine informed me that he knew someone who just got in a huge supply of mushrooms. So we, as well as my boyfriend, decided to shroom during the weekend at another friend's house. When we got the mushrooms, my boyfriend and I split an eighth and my friend had an eighth to himself (he's a big guy...). We decided to make them into a tea since I had never tea'd mushrooms before. When the tea was ready, we drank it down (around midnight) and smoked a little weed. Well, I soon discovered that mushroom tea kicks in very fast, as opposed to just eating them. When mushrooms are eaten it takes roughly 30 minutes to an hour to start working. With the tea, it was only about 10 minutes or so before I was tripping. It started off a little weird...

I kept looking over at the couch to stare at the patterns on the couch. Were they moving...? I couldn't tell... I wasn't sure if the mushrooms were already working or if I was just really stoned or if I was psyching myself out in anticipation of the trip. I started to feel all numb and silly and I started at laughing at things that weren't really funny. I also started shivering... For some reason I always get really cold right before I start tripping on shrooms or ecstacy. About 15 minutes after drinking the tea, I was rolling around on the couch, not sure what to do with myself. I was a nervous wreck! Confusion set in quite heavily and my brain was racing. The walls turned pink and these green wormy-looking things were dancing around.. The room was growing and shrinking but I couldn't concentrate on any one thing for too long. Some other guys who were there (who were not shrooming, just stoned) were watching Swan Lake on tv. The colors and all the dancers moving in unison were just too much to look at. The music was also affecting me. When the music would climax dramatically, my hallucinations went right along with the music. At one point, I went to explore the bedroom but left when nothing really caught my interest. As I walked back out into the living room, I must've entered at a dramatic point in Swan Lake because the music swelled in a threatening manner. It was very frightening and I ducked, covering my head and looking around nervously. Apparently, everyone in the living room found this rather amusing because they all started laughing at me.

I had to move to the kitchen where the music wasn't as loud. There, I stared at the broom which had a very dark, sadistic quality about it... It made me nervous... and one of the guys who wasn't shrooming, decided to mess with me and dangled a measuring tape in front of my face while I stared at it, confused. I could not figure out what it was! Once I did realize, I collapsed onto the floor in a fit of laughter. I never felt so out of control... It was as if I was watching myself act in this bizarre manner and I couldn't do anything about it. My boyfriend shortly discovered the evil broom as well and stared at it with wary eyes. My friend who was teasing me with the measuring tape, decided to mess with my boyfriend by picking up the broom and chasing him into the bedroom. Once again, I broke down into helpless laughter.

Soon my friend, my boyfriend and I all went out into the big backyard. Nature is incredibly beautiful on mushrooms... I was walking on the grass, watching vines grow, twisting gracefully out of the ground and wrapping around everything. The rose bushes glowed as if they were electric and trees and leaves were huge and exaggerated, looking very much like something out of 'Alice in Wonderland'. I couldn't resist touching the roses and once I did, they fell apart so easily in my hand. It looked as though the petals were turning into liquid and melting into my hand. I walked to the very corner of the yard where these thick bushes met at an angle. I stared into the bushes and I swear I heard a voice calling me into the darkness. The branches seemed to beckon with their thorny fingers and I went running back into the safety of the house.

Back in the house, the living room looked like a jungle. Vines and flowers and leaves were growing like crazy from every angle! The tables and chairs looked like trees and the whole room emitted this tropical orange glow. It was insane... I felt like I was going insane because my mind was still racing. Things were just going by so fast, I almost couldn't handle it. So I took refuge in the kitchen and found a wonderful friend's dog. She had this positive energy all around her and her warmth and friendliness instantly eased my discomfort. I spent a long while petting her and tripping out on her fur. I even started crawling around on my hands and knees, following her around. Eventually I lost track of her and got really sad. I was gonna miss her...

So I made my way into the bedroom where I found my boyfriend tripping out on the designs on the comforter. I joined him. We had finished peaking a while ago and our minds were a little clearer. We were actually able to converse with each other, though the conversation didn't make a lot of sense... We were still feeling silly and laughing a lot. The other guys had gone home (It had to be nearly 3 am at this point) so the living room was empty. I went to put on some music...

In the living room, I stared at the 2 large cd cabinets packed full of cd's, searching for the Beatles. It shouldn't have been too hard since the cd's were in alphabetical order, but I was still hallucinating and the cd cabinets looked absolutely gigantic... it looked as though there were a billion tiny little cd cases all stacked next to each other. They were so small I couldn't even read the words on them! It took me several minutes to actually locate the Sergeant Pepper's album and put it into the cd player. It was worth it though... The Beatles are always great to trip on. I went back to the bedroom and watched patterns form on the ceiling and move in rythmn to the songs.

Around 4 am, the three of us went out into the living room where we smoked more weed and sat down, subjecting each other to our drug-induced thoughts. I was STILL tripping a little..I watched the doors grow big and then small. I watched the walls breathe and the textures on the ceiling spin and change colors. Even when I closed my eyes, I couldn't escape from the hallucinations. Intricate patterns formed behind my eyelids until I grew bored and prayed I would fall asleep soon. Finally around 5 or 6 am, the weed was putting us to sleep and my boyfriend and I retired to the bedroom where we slept until noon.

Overall it was a pretty good trip. Although, next time I'll stick to eating the mushrooms instead of making them into a tea. The tea made everything go by too quickly, basically packing an entire mushroom trip into a one hour peak. I like to take my time with mushrooms...
Ah well... there will definitely be a next time...

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 6894
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 28, 2002Views: 8,866
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Mushrooms (39) : Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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