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A Fun Day
Dextromethorphan HBr, Chloropheniramine Maleate, Cannabis
Citation:   RivetheaD. "A Fun Day: An Experience with Dextromethorphan HBr, Chloropheniramine Maleate, Cannabis (exp69103)". May 21, 2009.

330 mg oral DXM (pill / tablet)
  44 mg oral Chlorpheniramine Maleate (pill / tablet)
    smoked Cannabis  
On a day in December of 2007, I had made plans with my friend, whom I’ll refer to as S, to hang out early in the day. Many times in the past, S and I have gotten together and 'Dexed out' because it was a lot of fun. I got up at about 7 o’clock, getting ready to leave, as the walk to her house would take 2 hours. I got ready, and walked all the way over to her house so we could hang out. When I got there, I got rid of the extra stuff I had been carrying with me, and left it at her house as we left to go to the store.

We went to the store, and we had already formulated a plan for acquiring some Coricidin Cold & Cough (or Triple C’s as we called it often). We stole 2 boxes of the Triple C’s (which I don't recommend, they should be purchased legally if possible), regardless of their Chloropheniramine Maleate content, which I wasn’t worried about because we weren't taking overly large doses. We left the store, and I immediately took 11 of the pills, and S took 9 of them, I kept the remainder of them in my pocket.

We decided to go to a taco place to wait for them to kick in. We sat there, and I ate a quesadilla and a half, and she ate the other half of my unfinished quesadilla, and two soft tacos. We both began to feel the DXM kick in, and we were talking about how we couldn’t get the smiles off of our faces. I then remembered that I had my mp3 player, so we started listening to music, which sounded far better, as the DXM was beginning to kick in. Then, she said that she wanted to go outside and walk around.

Almost as soon as she got outside, she began to throw up. At the time, it didn’t occur to me that it was very disgusting, but both of us were laughing, even her as she continued to throw up in the parking lot. We both marveled at the fact that she didn’t seem to care about the fact she was puking.

We decided to walk to her neighborhood, and by now, we were both feeling the Dex. Movement felt interesting, so I was jumping around a lot, and just enjoying myself. We walked to her neighborhood, and we saw this group of little kids we knew in the street. They started running at us, and for a moment I kinda freaked because I didn’t know what was up, and they asked us what we were doing. We explained the day’s activities thus far, and then we left the kids alone to do whatever they were doing.

We decided to go to S’s friend R’s house to hang out, and so we walked there. I then marveled over the fact that I could run as much as I want and never get tired (which I don’t recommend, because overexertion is very easy) and we soon got to R’s house.
We sat in his room listening to music, and just were having fun. I was extremely content, just sitting on the bed with S and R. Next, we started smoking some marijuana, with the exception of S, who doesn’t smoke.

After taking about 3 hits off of a blunt, I was the most gone I had been in a long time. I was experiencing heavy flanging, to the extent that I could go downstairs, eat something, and then come back upstairs to find that it felt as if I had never went downstairs in the first place. I was perfectly happy, even to the point that I found Rap Music desirable, even though I normally detest it. The rest of the night was a mesh of smoking, listening to music, and trying to get reception on my phone to talk to people.

At about 8 o’clock, it was almost time for me to get picked up by my mom, so me and S went back to her house. I then made plans to go see my girlfriend, who lived nearby, before I went home. I showed up at her house about 8:30, I was coming down quite a bit, and I could now concentrate pretty well on what I was doing. I got to her house, spent a few minutes with her, and then had to go back to S’s house. Almost as soon as I got there, my mom arrived, so I gathered my things from S, and got in my mom’s car. We talked about random things on the way home, I had no problem with conversation at all, and any deviation from normal behavior wasn’t noticed, because I often act strangely when I’m sober. I got back to my house, and spent a couple hours on my computer, talking to S, and recapping the day’s events. I went to bed, feeling perfectly content. All in all, it had been an extremely fun day, and one of many good DXM experiences I’ve had. It just goes to show that responsible and educated use of DXM can yield amazing results.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 69103
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 21, 2009Views: 28,934
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DXM (22), Chlorpheniramine Maleate (164), Cannabis (1) : General (1), Various (28)

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