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Not Bad, Not Bad at All
Citation:   Stimsniffer. "Not Bad, Not Bad at All: An Experience with BZP & TFMPP (exp69312)". Feb 23, 2008.

2 tablets oral Piperazines
As internet available drugs go, I think BZP/Tfmpp is pretty bloody effective. I've tried tennuate, and ephedra, which do compare, however tennuate mangles my innards for days, and ephedra stops me pissing. The comedown from bzp/tfmpp, is absolutely awful, but it's a physical comedown. I always felt haunted after tennuate, and ephedra the day after feels like I'm recovering from a seizure.

I would have difficulty separating the effects of bzp/tfmpp, from the effects of taking mdma. It's easily as 'buzzy' in its initial stages to amphetimine, but not as crisp. I found more control also, for example with speed I tend to go full on till one dab too many, with this I still retained some semblance of tomorrow's consequences. I suppose that might be a down side to some, if it is one should stop taking drugs immediately and face your demons.

I like really shitty comedowns, as there ought to be a price to pay. Avoid drinking high congener beverages, and don't eat dark chocolate, this drug is a migraine multiplier.

[reported dose: 2x170mg bzp/tfmpp (as per manufacturer) ]

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 69312
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 23, 2008Views: 11,585
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BZP (101), TFMPP (100) : Combinations (3), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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