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Floating in the Sky
Salvia divinorum (10x extract)
by A
Citation:   A. "Floating in the Sky: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10x extract) (exp70582)". Mar 8, 2023.

2 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
Salvia such an amazingly visionary herb that has much more power than I had previously expected. I had just purchased the salvia a 10x crystalline extract from a local head shop. I was very excited to try it considering had used it previously with little effect. As soon as I get home I call my friend, call him R, and tell him I had the salvia and he should come over to give it a try.

When R arrives he sits down on the couch with me and I begin to pack a homemade bowl with a small pinch. I sit and meditate for about five minutes before taking the hit. I draw the hit slowly into my lungs. It tastes bitter but not really bad then I pass it to my friend and he takes a hit. I experienced slight visual distortions and laughed for a little while uncontrollably but no real trip. Disappointed will the light effects I pack a bowl about double the size of the last one and proceed to take a hit at 3:40.

This time I torched the hit and before I knew it the entire bowl was gone and I release a monstrous cloud of smoke. My first and last thought before was 'man that was huge I hope this works'. I begin to see the distortion again but much more this time. Then came the tunnel vision it was like I was being sucked into my Grateful Dead tapestry. I didn’t want to go at first but I was going incredibly fast. I just let it go remembering that it would be worth it. As I look round to try to grab a tight hold on reality, these bars that looked like they were made out of bricks from the Mario games come out of the wall in front of me and lock into the back of the couch.

Astounded by the bars, I keep staring and then I realized I was surrounded by the clouds which look different, almost alien. The couch and the floor seems to tilt back leaving holes where the items such as the TV were. It keeps going back in a mechanical way, slowly, similar to a ski lift and then it lunged forward as I started heading up into the sky. All I see is clouds. It was so beautiful to being seemingly floating in this alien sky. I continue to go up and up and then I suddenly begin to have flashes of the memories of presumably other people. The first one, I was walking down a road in New York City in what seemed to be the fifties and the next minute I’m sitting at a childhood birthday party.

It was incredibly strange because I was like I was having the memories and lives of others thrust upon my consciousness. As soon as I see the through the eyes the child at the party, I’m back on the ski lift to heaven that was my couch. But this time my sister is standing on the front of the lift but she is only seven years old or so. I struggle to figure out who she is to no avail and nevertheless for some reason I feel I must protect her.

As she begins to fade I see a group of Nazi soldiers marching in front of me. I had been transported to another place in time WW2 France possibly? I had yet again entered the body of another person a younger guy about 18. I began frantically searching for this girl that looked just like my sister but it apparently wasn’t her and as soon as I see her on the road an instant I was back in on my couch.
I had yet again entered the body of another person a younger guy about 18. I began frantically searching for this girl that looked just like my sister but it apparently wasn’t her and as soon as I see her on the road an instant I was back in on my couch.
I feel like I had been gone for quite some time hours possibly when I ask R what time it was and he responded 3:45 man.

It was unbelievable that I had traveled far and wide far beyond the realms of conceivable reality into a far off world. Salvia is no joke.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 70582
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 8, 2023Views: 282
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Salvia divinorum (44), OBE (332) : General (1), First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Families (41), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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