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Getting Rid of the Filler
Citation:   Coffeezombie. "Getting Rid of the Filler: An Experience with Methylphenidate (exp70597)". Feb 22, 2010.

40 mg insufflated Pharms - Methylphenidate (powder / crystals)
Most people who have tried it will agree that snorting ritalin has a vastly different effect from taking the pills, and I for one, find it a more enjoyable experience. The only problem was the large ammounts of nasty gunky powder I had to put up my nose. After reading about hydrocodone extractions, and a little reasearch into the solubility, I came up with a simple method to cut out most of the filler, giving a easy to snort (Though it has a much more pronounced burn at first) powder in much smaller ammounts (Instant release pills are 90% filler, not sure about slow release).

Step 1: crush the pills to a powder. If the pills are coated, you will want to scrape it off first. I've nevertried with capsules, but it seems feasable.

Step two: add to alcohol (Methyl or ethyl, doesnt matter as long as it evaporates clean) and mix vigorously. I'd reccomend atleast 10x the volume of the powder

Step three: Let the powder sediment to the bottom of your mixing container, when the alcohol is clear (it will be completely clear for IR, yellowish tint for SR, but it will no longer be cloudy) draw it off the top carefully to avoid the sediment. I used a chemistry dropper, but feel free to improvise. Move the liquid into a tray (I used a pyrex baking dish for a large batch) to dry in. Repeat this process 2-3 times to ensure you get most of the product.

Step 4: Dry it out. Air dry or heat lamp, avoid higher temps (I found a heat lamp worked quickly enough)

After it's dry, scrape up and enjoy. There is a very low loss rate (as far as I know, I have no way of quantifying the end product except for results, and I know I'm not losing much). You should be able to split it up into doses working off how much you put in. Odds are you'll only need a bump, so don't over do it untill you get a feel for the stuff.

PS the drip is nasty, so have a drink nearby if you think you'll need it.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 70597
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 22, 2010Views: 40,386
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Pharms - Methylphenidate (114) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Alone (16)

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