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Sneaky Little Pill
Citation:   M. Rogerson. "Sneaky Little Pill: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp70606)". Nov 12, 2015.

  insufflated Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
    oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
My drug dealer sold many drugs. I just bought pot from him. Sometimes I’d get some coke or ecstasy or vicodins but usually I’d just get pot.

One day I brought a friend to meet my dealer. My friend smoked pot too and also had a strong tolerance for opiates. He used to give me percocet. Three, 5mg percs and I was good. The dealer had percs so my friend bought some.

My friend and I went to see the dealer about twice a month. I’d buy pot, and my friend would get percs. One day the dealer said he had oxycontin and that it was better than percs because percs had Tylenol. Ocs just had oxycodone. One oc 80 cost $50, so my friend and I said fuck it and bought one.

We brought the little blue pill back to my friend’s apartment and put it on a big white plate and cut it in half with a hunting knife. We scraped the blue coating off one of the halves and chopped it up into a fine powder. After that we each snorted half the pile and ate the rest of the other half. Then we went to see a movie.

I was so high from the little pill. The oxycontin was the strongest opiate I’d ever felt and the movie was hard to watch because I couldn’t stop itching. I itched every part of my body especially my face and basically just sat there itching and twitching. I didn’t like being high like that.

Later that summer my friend and I went camping in the woods with some other friends. We had all the necessities: ecstasy, mushrooms, valum, alcohol, and…oxycontin. The OC was brought to alleviate all the morning hangovers. (OC is great for eliminating hangovers.) After we set up camp, we each took a nibble off an 80, and drank a beer in the sun. I was prepared for an all out itch-fest but it never came. Instead, the oc made me feel like heaven. That experience was much better than the first.

One month after the camping trip, the dealer got arrested. The dealer had a friend who took over operations to sell off the rest of the drugs that the cops didn’t find. The new dealer was friendly but not as experienced and fronted me and my friend when we didn’t have money. At this point I would buy a bag of pot and one oc every two weeks or so. My friend liked OCs more than me and bought a couple each week. When my friend was broke, the new dealer fronted him. When my friend owed the dealer $500, the dealer stopped selling to him. Instead of paying off the dealer, my friend gave me money to get him OCs. At first I agreed, but soon got annoyed because my friend was asking me to make OC runs for him twice a week. I told my friend I was over making runs. My friend said he’d give me OC if I made runs for him. I like free OC, so I agreed.

Now I was getting free OC but I was also buying it for myself. I was eating it every day and snorting it too. I ate it all the time. I’d go into the bathroom at work in the morning and snort 20mg then go to a meeting. It made life fun and interesting. If I didn’t eat it everything was boring and I’d feel worthless. I wanted to stop but instead bought as much as I could. I was also getting withdrawals more often. This went on for about half a year.

Then the new dealer ran out of ocs. I tried to find a new connection but couldn’t. The withdrawal hit me pretty hard. On the first day of not having oc I felt tired and slept a lot. On the second day I felt exhausted and weak and after work I felt like I had the flu. My girlfriend thought I had the flu too. I was sick for over a week from the withdrawals. I just smoked a lot of pot and slept a lot. I never abused oc since.

Oxycontin is very powerful. Like other opiates, it can relieve physical and emotional pain, but it also causes addiction and withdrawals. I was addicted and didn’t even realize it. Oc is seductive and sneaky.

I still take oc but only once in a while - maybe once a year. Sometimes I also use other opiates like poppy tea, and various narcotic painkillers. Except for the tea, which I drink a few times a year, I do not actively seek opiates, although I will use them given the opportunity.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 70606
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 12, 2015Views: 2,132
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Oxycodone (176) : Various (28), Addiction & Habituation (10)

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