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Blown Away
Cacti - T. peruvianus
Citation:   c0k3h3ad. "Blown Away: An Experience with Cacti - T. peruvianus (exp71066)". Apr 13, 2009.

50 g oral Cacti - T. peruvianus (plant material)
I would like to start out by saying that I have tried many legally obtainable drugs, and this by far tops any, legal or illegal, drugs that I have ever consumed. I’ve experienced kratom, inebriating mint, sinichuchi, wild dagga, kava kava, marijuana, shrooms (both psylocibin and amanitas), many different opiates, cocaine and many others. And none of these has come close to the intensity of Peruvian torch.

I obtain my cactus through an internet vendor. Instead of buying whole cactus, I purchased an “incense” which is made up of only the green skin, dried, and then powdered. As for everyone that doesn’t buy it this way, I can’t recommend any better way. I’ve tried cactus 3 or 4 times previous the following experienced with little more than a body high and visuals if I unfocused my eyes. On my previous trips I made tea, from whole cuttings, which takes way too much time and creates a giant mess. The following is the easiest, and most tasteless way to consume cacti. It also only takes roughly 15 minutes to make too.

First off I buy either powdered cacti or dried cacti and powder it. Next I put it in a bowl and mix with just enough water so that it turns into basically a sponge. Then, I mix in some sugar, cinnamon and peppermint extract (all to taste). And….. it's done! To consume it I just spoon off chunks and chase them down with water or pop. The peppermint kills any taste of the cacti and since it’s sort of slimy it goes down rather easy. I use a dosage between 25 and 50 grams depending on potency. Next I’ll tell you about my trip on a 50 gram dose.

T0:00 start to eat a 50 gram dose prepared as described in the last paragraph.
T0:30 finish eating the spongy material.
T0:45 I start to feel pretty good, might be placebo but I don’t think so.
T1:10 I decide to take the dog for a walk after not being able to get a hold of any of my friends. A body high is noticed as I walk. It’s really nice to get out of the house. I also have a slight lose of depth perception. The end of the block looks like a mile away.
T2:00 visual distortions are getting greater. Objects shift and swirl if I unfocus my eyes. I called up some of my friends to see if they wanted to play hacky-sack but no one has one. Feeling up for a journey I decided to walk to the store to buy one.

This stuff comes on in waves. The first wave is usually a little giddiness for the trip to begin. The second is stimulation. The third is usually relaxation of the muscles. And finally the head trip and extreme visuals start.

For the sake of not rambling, I’ll skip to the part where I “thought” I had started to trip pretty hard.

The time is probably T3:30, I’ve met up with my friends and we’re playing hacky-sack at a nearby tennis court. I have never felt so good in my life. I’ve heard mescaline is supposed to be like ecstasy and LSD combined. I’ve tried neither, but from what I’ve heard about each it’s exactly as described. My entire body is completely numb. I could be punched in the face and not even feel it. Touch is absolutely fantastic. Everything feels amazing. I remember lying on the concrete on the tennis court, and it felt like I was sinking into the ground. I felt comfortable no matter what I did or where I did it. Best way to describe it is, not having a care in the world.

After getting bored we decided to drive around. I just rode with my buddy since I was incapable of driving. This is about where the head trip started to get intense. For everyone who’s tripped you can probably relate to this next part. I started having trouble distinguishing between the trip and real life. I started to think that I could do anything and when I got done tripping everything would be back to normal. Also, things that made sense sober made no sense. Things like numbers, letters, words. I started questioning everything in my mind. Everything was a big contradiction. Nothing made sense, but at the same time everything made sense. I knew what happening, but at the same time, I had no clue what was going on. That’s basically how your mind thinks on this stuff. The only thing that kept me sane was the fact that I knew it was all part of the journey.

As we were driving I started to get a bad feeling. I started to think about the cops and going to jail. About six months prior to this trip I was picked up by the cops with over a pound of weed and caught a couple of felonies for the incident. While I was tripping, I knew cops existed but I didn’t know why. I knew they were no good, but I didn’t know why. I knew going to jail would completely screw up my night, but I didn’t seem to care. I seemed to have a split personality at this point because one part of me didn’t give a shit and the other told me I should go home where I would be safe and have no chance of spending the night in detox. Using my better judgement, I told my friend I should probably go home for the night. The time was probably T5:00

I got home and spent the remaining 11 hours of my trip in my bedroom lying in my giant beanbag and watching all the visuals. The visuals were absolutely amazing. There were tracers every time I moved any object. My clothes in my closet stretched to the ground and back to their original position. Everything was moving in one way or another. I also got lost deep in thought on many occasions. I thought about life. What I’ve done wrong, what I’ve done right. I could feel all the pain I’ve caused others by the stupid shit I’ve done over the years. I remember one thing that I thought about repeatedly thoughout my trip was, What would I be like if I hadn’t started doing drugs? I don’t wish I hadn’t started drugs, but like I said my mind had a mind of it’s own. Alls I had to do was close my eyes and it was like my question had been answered. I saw myself in college, completing college, and then being able to get any job I wanted. Pretty much anything I wanted to know I could learn, just by closing my eyes. Two words- absolutely amazing!

Overall the trip lasted about 16-17 hours. And 16 hours of tripping pretty hard. There was little to no comedown with the exception of being a little burnt out and a slight headache. I contribute the burnt out feeling to not going to sleep and the headache to clenching my jaw a lot. I wouldn’t count on getting any sleep on this stuff, as your mind just won’t let you and the visuals are just to bright and colorful.

This has definitely been the most powerful drug I have ever taken. I took it to both to have fun and have a religious experience, and in ways accomplished both. I don’t believe in god, but this has undoubtably confirmed that there’s more out there that what meets the eye.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 71066
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 13, 2009Views: 7,164
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Cacti - T. peruvianus (69) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Preparation / Recipes (30), General (1)

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