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Ignorance Isn't Bliss
Citation:   Pogue. "Ignorance Isn't Bliss: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp71174)". Nov 12, 2015.

  repeated   Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
Escaping was always my fix. When I was young I found it through reading and movies. As I got older I needed more. I found more. I started off using various drugs here and there. Became a big pot head for a while.

One day when I was about 14 a buddy and I were working at my grandparents’ ranch for the summer when he decided to see what was in the thousands of orange bottles sitting out in the open on the table. That was the beginning of my downfall. He came across a bottle of about 200 10mg Oxycotins. He had heard about them but I was the innocent one for once. He asked if he could do some and I said I'll join. Without ever having popped one he crushed 2 up while I watched for my grandparents. We proceeded to snort them and smoke a bit of weed. “how about another” my buddy said…”sure” we did another.

I'll never forget that night. For the rest of the summer we’d occasionally take a few. One day I went to school and heard the street price for these pills. I made a trip up to the ranch with a plan to take some to sell…I took the whole bottle with the seal still on it. I sold a lot but the power of the drug had taken over. I was a 16-year-old boy in the dirty world of a drug addict. I was constantly on the nod. My family couldn’t figure out what was the matter with me. As soon as I ran out I was caught. My Grandpa (an addict himself) attacked me without even knowing I had taken them.

My parents figured that’s why I had been acting so strangely so they sent me to rehab. When I got out I got right back on it. For the next 4 years of my life I would be a slave to the OX. Doing whatever I could to get it. I sold, I stole, I manipulated…I did whatever it took to get my fix. When I had a good stash life was good, when I was out I wanted to die. I remember driving to my dealers’ house at times in tears because I couldn’t stop. I also remember just having snorted about 80mg mocking God saying “you could never make me feel like this”.

For the next 4 years life was a downward spiral. I had no other motive for almost 6 years other than to be high on oxycotin…HOLY SHIT! I also remember stealing the stuff outta my grandpa's pocket when he was asleep. He never trusted me so he kept it in his pocket at all times. I would go in his car and lift up the car mats and find my treasure sprinkled all over the place. He’d take them as he drove and spill them everywhere. I’d find them under tables, couches, on top of desks, in the cup holders of his cars. I was fucked…soon he started locking it in his safe because he was suspicious and my dealer back in town was really sketchy and annoying to deal with. That didn’t stop me from finding it. I would call EVERYONE I knew, even people who didn’t even do drugs. I was jones’n for a fix.

One day the inevitable happened. I scored some H. At first I just got it when Oxy wasn’t around and then Oxy become scarcer. I was snorting the H for a while and shot up once. Once after speed balling one night I swore off everything and to prove it to myself I burnt my wrist to remind me of my mindset…I was doing heroin later that night.

I could go on for a lot longer but what I’d like to get across to the reader if anything is get away from OC. That shit's dangerous. I got help for my problem and will have 1 year sober next month. Life has taken on a whole new meaning to me. I’m not a slave. My life is great. I have an addictive personality and I know not everyone does. I love drugs and would’ve kept doing them forever but I can't do them normally. So by all means experiment and dig life on drugs but be careful if you have some compulsive behaviors or just really really like opiates. Don’t live to control your feelings. Lows pass and so do highs but don’t try to fix your life with drugs.

[Reported Dose: '10mg - 200mg']

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71174
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 12, 2015Views: 1,968
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Oxycodone (176) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Various (28)

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