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OD On My Favourite
Citation:   Trouble. "OD On My Favourite: An Experience with Codeine (exp71396)". Apr 28, 2016.

150 mg oral Codeine (extract)
This is an account of the only bad experience I’ve ever had with codeine. I’ve been using frequently -- doses of 90mg about twice a week- for the past year or so, and have never had any other problems.

I usually grind up and insufflate 3-4 30mg tablets, but this particular night I just didn’t feel up to the task, so I decided to drink the stuff, after doing the cold-water extraction I had read about. I should mention that I hadn’t used codeine for several weeks before this experience, so my tolerance was much lower than usual. Unfortunately this didn’t occur to me at the time
I hadn’t used codeine for several weeks before this experience, so my tolerance was much lower than usual. Unfortunately this didn’t occur to me at the time
, and I crushed up five 30mg tablets, one more than I usually have, because I expected to lose some of the codeine in the process.

After extracting the codeine and drinking the *extremely* bitter product, I moved to my bedroom to listen to some music. I was feeling very good, all light and happy, with the usual warmth I associate with the drug beginning to run up and down my arms and neck. It was all very pleasant and I went to bed not long after, pleased to be free from the insomnia I have most nights.

I woke up abruptly. I had no idea how much time had passed since I’d fallen asleep. All I knew at the time was that something was very wrong. There seemed to be a soft, squishy something at the back of my throat. While trying to work out what it was, I noticed what was wrong. I wasn’t breathing. I tried to take a breath and realized the thing at the back of my throat was in the way, blocking the air. I stuck my finger down my throat to get the thing out the way. I was panicking by now, and this was made a lot worse when I realized the squishy something was actually a part of my throat. I pushed the bit up, so that I could breathe past it.

I spent the rest of that night alternating between a state of panic, believing I had ODed and was going to die, and a zombie-like, stoned state where I jabbed my throat every now and then, to keep myself breathing, only because I remembered that I should… but unable to remember why. I awoke several times, having dozed of and stopped breathing again. My gag reflex simply didn’t work that night; the whole night, a large part of which I spent with my finger down my throat, keeping my airways clear
My gag reflex simply didn’t work that night; the whole night, a large part of which I spent with my finger down my throat, keeping my airways clear
, I didn’t once gag. I guess that was part of the effect the codeine had on my body.

Overall, it was one of the most unpleasant nights of my life. It’s a beautiful drug, and I’ve had so many great experiences with it. But for me this was a serious reminder that no matter how many times you’ve done something, you should never let your guard down, or forget that ALL drugs need to be taken seriously… every time you do them.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 71396
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 28, 2016Views: 5,146
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Codeine (14) : Overdose (29), Health Problems (27), Alone (16)

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