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A Good Peanut Butter Sandwhich
Morning Glory Seeds
by Zen
Citation:   Zen. "A Good Peanut Butter Sandwhich: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds (exp7141)". Erowid.org. Aug 27, 2002. erowid.org/exp/7141

200 seeds oral Morning Glory
I bought four packages of heavenly blue morning glory seeds, fifty to a package, at my local farmers market. It came to a little over $6, and the clerk didn't give me a second look. I waited till about 7:00 when I was alone and didn't have anymore responsabilities. I ground the seeds with a pepper grinder, works really good. So then I tried eating the powder, not exactly pleasant although doable. I decided to mix it with peanut butter and eat it as a peanut butter and jam sandwhich. I spread the powder on two sandwhichs and ate, tasted like extra grain, like a goodhearty or twelve grain bread was used, but easy to get down.

I started to feel different right away slowly noticeing detail much more. I sat in my bathroom staring out the window at the beautiful sunset and it seemed as though the planes that were flying through it and leaveing cloudy streaks were doing it all for my own amusement. It knocked my socks off. I just watched this beautiful moving canvas take shape and move before me. I was feeling slight neusea but only very slight. I then sat in my tub and wa depressed, I can't remember why now. I was concerned about hallucinatating and panicing maybe getting myself in trouble but since I only felt like I just smoked a joint I went outside and watched the night take over, I had a few freak out experiences where all of a sudden you notice a detail and it jumps out at you and pounces. I was really concerned about hallucinating and not finding my way home so after dicussing it with my immaginary smoking buddy Bob, I went back in. Bob I ivented to alleviate my concerns about hallucinations, sound crazy but I thought if I at least had a person that I know was a creation of my mind to talk to I wouldn't totally lose it. This was my first time with a drug stronger then Cannabis so I wasn't sure what to expect.

After comming in I decided to listen to some music, I played some santana cause I figured he probably has done a ton of psychadelics and might help me through my journey. Man it just zapped through me I started dancing and singing along I just had to, a great feeling. I was concened though as I still had sense of self and no hallucinations, even audible ones which I sometimes have anyway I didn't realize till later that it takes a higher doseage for hallucinations. I then decided to record my rants on my computer in the form of audio which started as cold description of the effects of the drug and eventually developed into audio messages to my smoking buddys from university. In particular one to this girl I had devloped feelings for. Durring this merssage I felt my mask slip away and I started to show my affection for her and felt as though I was still connecting with her personally. I listened to it again and realized just how much she meant to me as a person. I felt a little lonely and wished I had some buds to share the experience with but I went online laughed at a few comic strips and now I'm telling you.

Morning glory seeds can get you high like alot of good weed, but it's cheaper, and can be bought legally. do watch out, some companys coat their seeds in fertlizer and fungacides which may make you ill, and they don't specify on the package weither they do or not, I got lucky and will remember the local brand as a good source. As with any drug it's best donewith some buddys, prefferably with one not under the infuence to help any one through a bad trip. It's been 9 hours now and I still feel as high as I would having just smoked a bowl of weed. this stuff is great

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7141
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 27, 2002Views: 6,030
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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