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Oxy Has Its 'Percs'
by Jae
Citation:   Jae. "Oxy Has Its 'Percs': An Experience with Oxycodone (exp71799)". Jun 30, 2020.

10 mg oral Oxycodone (pill / tablet)
I have done a lot of things. Not as much as some but none the less a lot. Oxycodone is my favorite pill. I have done tons of hydros and nothing compares to Oxy. Had a busted rib and went to the hospital. They prescribed me oxy. I was 18 and didn't know the good of oxy, never heard of it, never used it. Went home, went to sleep and didn't think twice about the full bottle sitting beside me. Morning came or shall i say afternoon, and I awoke. I was hurting a little and thought that i would take a pill given to me thinking is was just a pain reliever like tylenol. Popped it and within 5 minutes, I was literally trying to love- non sexually, on my girlfriend as she was taking a shower. Everything was as great as it could be. I loved everyone, everything and nothing was wrong. It lasted 30 minutes before the noticable high was gone. From then on, I love oxy and can never get enough.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 71799
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 30, 2020Views: 1,460
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Oxycodone (176) : Unknown Context (20), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Medical Use (47), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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