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Very Mild Sedative Effect
Albizia julibrissin
Citation:   Not a pot smoker. "Very Mild Sedative Effect: An Experience with Albizia julibrissin (exp72046)". Nov 27, 2009.

7.5 g oral Albizia julibrissin (tea)
Made a warm tisane using 5-10g of Mimosa flower (not the bark, and *DEFINITELY NOT* the pods/legume of the tree). This seemed to have a *very* mildly sedative effect (tastes ok too), however, please note that this was a 1 time dose & not taken chronically as it's probably supposed to be taken as.

I'm still experimenting with A.j. as well as a few other psychotropic herbs. Other herbs I've been tampering with (by using the whole herb & by making my own extracts) include Bacopa m., Crocus sativus, Scutellaria baicalensis, St. John's Wort and others.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72046
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 27, 2009Views: 17,533
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