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My Field Research
Citation:   Gabriel. "My Field Research: An Experience with Methylphenidate (exp72128)". Sep 23, 2020.

  insufflated Pharms - Methylphenidate (ground / crushed)
Ritalin: A Rough Guide

This is Ritalin. Known also as methylphenidate and ‘Kiddy Crank.’ A wise woman once dubbed it, ‘the conversation drug.’ Let me share with you what I’ve discovered about this interesting over-prescribed nugget of speed. The PDR (Physician’s Desk Reference) recommends a maximum daily dose of 60mg for an adult. This may be sufficient for threshold euphoria in a virgin user, however tolerance develops quickly and seems to linger. Personally, 60mg is a pick-me-up when I’m using this stuff recreationally.

In my opinion, the ideal method of ingestion is insufflation (snorting). On that note, the Ritalin sold in Mexico, for instance, is a very hard white pill while the American equivalent is dome-shaped and much softer. A pill crusher, available at most drug stores, will do the trick either way. But back to the snorting. Orally, the effects seem milder and of course the onset is protracted. I’ve noticed that taking high doses orally will render me aggressive and violent whereas insufflation presents none of these behaviors.

The reduced intensity from oral consumption could possibly be attributed to a reduction in the chemical caused by exposure to peptic acid and the filtering and metabolizing performed in the liver.

I have personally experienced the range in dosage, by snorting, from 20mg to 120mg at a single time. 120mg, which I am hesitant to exceed, the effects are much more intense as imagined-- however the duration appears the same as any other insufflated dose. There is certainly a cardiovascular effect at this level. Weakness, orthostatic hypotension (dizziness upon standing), and tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) are to be expected.

“Snorting” as a method is an art, not a science. I prep my sinus cavities with saline solution that can be found at supermarkets and drugstores. This moisturizes the tissue, insures the powder will “stick”, and the extra fluid contributes to absorption. The goal when snorting is to coat the nasal passages with the powdered substance. Inhalation must be done vigilantly, maybe timidly, in order for the drug to reach its destination. Inhale too quickly and the Ritalin will end up in the back of my throat. Too little suction’s bad too. I work with it.

Ritalin is, to me, most similar to cocaine. It has a much longer half-life than coke but generates a marked euphoria unique to this and dissimilar to amphetamines. In my estimation, Ritalin is preferable to cocaine and the plethora of amphetamines for its side-effect profile. The “crash” is marked by some moderate depression, although this is most of a problem with multiple days of wakefulness. I find it entirely manageable with the administration of a neuroleptic (Zyprexa’s what I use), Trazadone, or a large dose of benzodiazepines.

Upon waking, things will be foggy and unpleasant but the urge to re-dose is easy to fend off.

The amount required to achieve two days of wakefulness is phenomenal. This is NOT a potent drug, dose for dose. Also, the involuntary facial movements accompanied with amphetamine and cocaine are virtually absent. I have noticed myself moving my tongue methodically once and was able to stop the behavior upon becoming aware of it. Also, delusional thought and paranoia (even at mega doses) were completely absent, the antithesis of this being methamphetamine which I find particularly productive of that sort of psychosis.

So there you have it. This the result of my field research on Ritalin. Remember, it’s a hydrochloride salt so one can do anything they want with it. Yes, even in the butt.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72128
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 23, 2020Views: 2,581
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Pharms - Methylphenidate (114) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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