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THC Guides the Spirit
Cannabis - Hash & Cannabis
Citation:   jwalker. "THC Guides the Spirit: An Experience with Cannabis - Hash & Cannabis (exp7281)". Feb 19, 2003.

  repeated smoked Cannabis - Hash (tar / resin)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
This past May, I went to a house party with 100 or so people.

There, I met up with my friends. P had recently purchased 5g of Moroccan hash, which he had smuggled over from Italy. I had bought a dime of really good weed. P, I, and several others gathered in a circle. We threw the hash (.3g) on a nugget. We each got 3 hits. Right after, I put a larger nug in the bowl, with .5g of hash.

We proceeded to smoke it through the same beautiful glass bowl. I remember putting one more nug in and some more hash, but for some reason I don't remember anything for a half hour after that.

I remember floating indoors. Everbody was illuminated by crazy red neon lines. Everything looked 'squiggly.' The earth had been torched like the Last Temptation of Christ.

I was tremendously scared, as I was being given a serious perspective on life, spirituality, etc. and I was just intending to party!

I went and laid down on a leather couch. I felt a generous warmth from everybody. People I hated and had conflicts with prior to this experience became friends. Compassion 'resin'-ated through out my body.

I was embarassed, as it had curtailed any of my masculine tendencies. For the first time I grabbed the essence of life, no matter how cliche it may sound. There was a meta-physical quality to it. I understood everything that condradicted our Western understanding of things. Simple order, cause and effect meant nothing. From that point on, I lived knowing that there are whole other worlds and perceptions that await cerebrally- life without psychoactive effects is only one dimension. I have been increasingly interested in other drugs that offer something to contemplate, unlike most weed.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7281
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 19, 2003Views: 7,534
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Cannabis (1), Cannabis - Hash (93) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Mystical Experiences (9), Glowing Experiences (4), Combinations (3)

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