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I Met Myself
Citation:   hellnaw. "I Met Myself: An Experience with LSD (exp73088)". Aug 21, 2009.

2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
I had tried to get acid for some time, with some fake stuff coming through, but other than that, it proved hard to locate. I have been smoking weed fairly often for almost 3 years, and for the past sixth months or so this has been an almost daily practice. I've tried coke, mushrooms, ecstasy, various opiates and painkillers, and a few other insignificant substances. So one summer day, I call one connection I have, looking for some coke, since a friend had expressed interest. He said he did not have any white, but he was quick to mention that he had some acid which he tripped nuts off of the other night. He called it white fluff acid, the best around.

So me and two friends decided to drop that night, and another friend was in town but would just sit out that night. Me and one other friend each purchased two hits, and one other friend could only afford one. We arrived at my house around 10:00 PM, and took no time to wait before slipping our doses under our tongues. We sat around for the next hour or so, watching TV and listening to music. Eventually I noticed a faint floating feeling, and then my heart started to beat somewhat rapidly. We were extremely entertained by taking pictures of ourselves on Apple's Photobooth program, using the mirror effect to create visually creative photos. We all had tremendous energy, and the off white tone of the paint in my room seemed to glow with radiation. It was very cool. One of the walls in my room is all mirror, and my cheeks were rosy, as I could feel my body temperature increasing. All three of us were sweating out a storm. The only poster in my room at the time was a giant cover of Axis: Bold as Love by The Jimi Hendrix Experience. The white walls absorbed the colors from this poster, and soon the walls started to breathe with color.

We proceeded to my backyard, which was unusually bright, since it was already around midnight. I'm not sure how many cigarettes we smoked then, but they were absolutely amazing. It seemed as if waves of energy and stimulation would surge throughout my body, starting from my lungs, with every breath. Looking up at the purplish sky through the trees, the leaves started to turn into hands, petting and stroking the air around. I began to see copies of my face, smiling with ecstatic joy, floating between the branches. I began to dwell into my own thoughts, and my mind seemed as if it was all of the sudden a drug of its own; I could taste my thoughts and words had different flavors. It really made me think of every psychedelic movie I had ever seen. My mind was encouraged to think of the extraordinary, and although things seemed weird and funny, everything was perfectly clear at the same time. I thought about the guy who sold me the acid, and in my mind he seemed like some sort of magic professor who really knew how to experience the most intense, self-indulging mind-fuck. This was beyond any drug, and it was more than just the drug, it was perfect. There was nothing that could bring me down from this. I could not even understand how anyone in the world would even experience a bad trip.

Now we were cruising. We had left my backyard around 12:45 AM and proceeded to explore my empty neighborhood. There was no limit to my energy, and I certainly wasn't losing any from walking. As we walked, we absorbed and tasted all of the light and color glowing off of every tree, and the street lamps seemed like glowing orbs, lining the neighborhood streets. We walked to the lake dock, which was adjacent to a parking lot, and a pool house. So many thoughts flew through my head, and whenever I tried to communicate it, I could only stumble, and remind myself how this feeling was so perfect, that it could not even be communicated into words. I had a total sense of being myself, and all fronts had dissolved just like the acid. I realized that along with this trip, life was also perfect. It amazed me to think about how one's life spans out and works. We go through amazing experiences to find out who we really are, and better understand ourselves. I was truly enlightened, as I was honestly meeting myself that night. 'This is the realest shit I've ever done,' I would repeat, and my friends agreed.

The night was only beginning, but since one of us wasn't tripping, he went back inside to sleep. There was no way any of us could have slept, the amounts of energy the acid had given us were enormous. We continued to walk the quiet, yet beautiful, streets, returning to the lake. My friend called another friend from school, and incredibly he was also tripping acid just like us; purely coincidental. We sat on the asphalt, and it felt as if we were being absorbed into the ground, becoming one with the earth, as the cracks in the ground swelled like sponges. The stars in the sky looked like diamonds, and everything was in patterns. Everything, audibly and visibly, had levels and layers, and with just our presence we could dissect everything and really understand it, for the first time in our lives.

We left and kept walking the lonely streets, talking, but mostly just letting everything absorb into our minds. I realized for the first time that there is much more to everything than what first meets the eye, because with our minds we can explore much more than we might first think. There was one cat that kept appearing and reappearing into our path as we walked. He was extremely friendly and let us take turns feeling his soft coat. At 3:30 AM there was one very old Asian-looking man who was riding his bike. We found it hilarious, that we chose to be tripping acid at 3:30 AM, and someone else chose to ride his bike. Nevertheless, we walked for about 2 miles, before returning once more the pool house parking lot. There was no plan to anything we did that night, as we did not need any plans; the acid knew where to take us. We smoked our last cigarette for the night, before returning home.

I did not sleep at all that night, but the next night I slept for over 12 hours. I took interest in sharing this experience with friends, since I sincerely felt as if this acid trip changed my life in little ways, for the better. I felt like this trip was the ultimate discovery for myself so far; I had spent a lot of time up until then doing soul searching, and trying to figure myself out, but this trip really put the cap on things. While I know I can never completely figure myself out, I know who I am in a sense, and I know that my life is going to be long lived, with many other incredible experiences. There is nothing more harmonious and absolute than coming face to face with yourself.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73088
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 21, 2009Views: 5,168
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LSD (2) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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