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Intense Mucous Production
Citation:   Isaac. "Intense Mucous Production: An Experience with 2C-E (exp73140)". Sep 22, 2008.

17 mg oral 2C-E
I have used 2C-E three times for insight and recreation. It is a wonderful substance. I would however like to report a weird side-effect that I experience on 2C-E about which I have read very little. 2C-E makes my body secrete mucous like no other psychedelic I've tried (LSD, LSA, mushrooms and 2C-I). For the first two hours of the trip, my body goes into a cold state as it prepares to get my juices flowing. Then I'll warm up and gradually start feeling congested in the chest, and when I start coughing, I soon start spitting thick, clear phlegm from the depths of my lungs, for about an hour, after which I am fine. However for the rest of the trip, my mouth constantly fills up with very thick saliva, no matter how much I spit. It feels somewhat like a cleanse; it's not completely negative. I could, however, do without it.

I imagine that somebody with asthma or certain pulmonary conditions could be quite alarmed by this effect if it were to occur. When my lungs are full of phlegm it becomes difficult for me to take satisfying breaths until the phlegm is coughed out.

I've never tried more than 17mg at once and I might never, simply because of this side-effect, which could become overwhelming.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73140
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 22, 2008Views: 10,133
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2C-E (137) : Health Problems (27), Not Applicable (38)

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