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Body Buzz and Sense of Detachment
by Puff
Citation:   Puff. "Body Buzz and Sense of Detachment: An Experience with Hydrangea (exp73141)". Sep 18, 2016.

2 bowls smoked Hydrangea (leaves)
Is Marijuana 'Like'

A few days ago after reading about the marijuana-like effects of smoking Hydrangea leaves, I decided to try it. I made sure that the Hydrangea I smoked was in fact Hydrangea Paniculata 'Grandiflora' so as to limit or have no cyanide in it at all, although I must admit that due to the limited amount of information about this herb, I did take a risk.

According to online sources which have the only reliable info on this herb's effects I could find, I found that 1 Cigarettes amount was the dosage to keep it safe. I did not use this amount. Maybe 2/3 of that.

When the leaf was dried I ground it up to near powder and placed in bowl. I smoked it as I would marijuana. The effects came on quicker than marijuana, in under 5 minutes. I then packed another.

It was definitely similar to marijuana, but lacking the intense and introspective thought pattern.

What was similar to marijuana was the body buzz and slight sense of detachment while still being entertained and interested with the world around me. In short, that spaced-out feeling. The body buzz was warm and fuzz and I found that the grass brushing against my leg felt very good, again, like it would on marijuana. I was experiencing a sense of awe regarding my surroundings, as things became more visually detailed.

This lasted a good 2 hours.

The effects were very noticeable, not unlike a small, but effective dose of marijuana.

Overall I thought this was a surprisingly enjoyable experiencing seeing as I did not think it would be psychoactive. It seems worthwhile but to be honest I am worried about the cyanide factor. The information I have obtained states that the Paniculata species does not contain amounts of cyanide that would be dangerous with repeated use. I will still use this sparingly seeing as even though this was the best information I could find, little is known about this herb.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73141
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 18, 2016Views: 4,578
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