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The Space Between Sound
Citation:   Sheepgod. "The Space Between Sound: An Experience with DMT (exp73400)". Jul 21, 2009.

2 hits smoked DMT
This would be my 4th time smoking dmt. The previous 3 would be nothing less than spectacular, marvelous, astonishing & any other awesome big describing words I can think of. This last time however was easily the most intense, absolutely humbling yet still enjoyable exprience ever. It's so hard to put into words fit for human comprehension an account of my experience with it, but I’m gonna give it my best shot.

I like to fuck around recreationally with psycadelics as well as insightfully. I mean it’s fun to sit in the woods or in my basement in a strobelight listening to Pink Floyd or The Doors or Tool or whatever & watch pretty colors & shapes shift & morph through space in amazement with a shit-eating grin on my face for hours & hours. Come on guys, all work & no play makes Jack a dull boy.

Anyway, I’ve had my fun with acid, mushrooms, salvia, & 2-ce (which was fucking awesome), but even combining all the hours of all those put together could not even come close to what I got in that brutal 5-7 minutes. There wasn't much for preparation with this. I had just bought it all ready to go from a really cool hippie guy at this festival we had skipped town to go to. I don't know how he made it or what he extracted it from. It just looked like a bunch of little rocks close to the color of brown sugar and with the consistancy like a bar of soap. I used a pocketknife and just kinda wittled it down into the finest little shavings I could get. The finer I shredded it, the lighter it looked. Almost white. Very soap like. I took a small glass piece & loaded it about half full with some Don Miano (I don't know if that's spelled right) & put the goods on top of that.

The setting could have been much better, we were at a friend's birthday party (it was accually my b-day that day too) at his apartment on the ground floor. It was August 21st so it was warm out & we were sitting on the back porch. I wanted to go to a nice spot in the woods around twilight but that was not available. Oh well. I had accually brought the stuff to show some good friends who had never tried it so I set them up first & saved a healthy dose for myself to do after them. Needless to say I blew their fucking minds into the Milky Way & 10 minutes later they were all thanking me for showing them that beautiful place. It made me happy.

So now it's my turn. I loaded quite a bit into the bowl for myself. I wanted to be able to puff on it for as long as I could, and it turned being able to be passed around to 2 or 3 other people and gave them pretty heroic hits (ya!). I puffed on it like a cigarette, filling my mouth with smoke & then taking in light breaths to get it in my lungs. I did this about 10 times before my lungs filled up the first time (I got alot). As I was letting that out, the fuzzyness started creeping in from the edges of my vision (it always starts this way for me) but I forced myself to keep going. I filled my lungs with another brutal cloud & held it as long as I could. At this point I knew I needed to pass the bowl. I was good. So I did.

I sat back in my chair and watched the brick wall of the building which was on my right turn into a horizontal game of tetris flowing like a mighty river. The bricks pulsed with the most beautiful, vibrant colors & neons (some of which I had never seen before) & inside the bricks was a mixture of crop circle designs meets Aztec designs meets Alex Grey swirls, & eyeballs & shit like that. Then it starts bleeding off the wall onto the ground & into the sky until I felt like I wasn't even outside anymore but more like in a room where all sides were just covered in this amazing fucking wonder. I could still see my friends though, they were changing differently, I was looking at my friend 'J' who was standing in front of me and it was like the 3rd dimension vanished, he was just made up of flat colors that started spiraling into each other. This was the case with any person I could see. J's Brother 'T' was sitting in the chair next to me. He got the next pull off the pipe by the way. I could still make out his face, you should have seen the look on his face. It was priceless. I smiled.

It was almost to the point where all that was going on started bleeding together & I could no longer make out solid matter. Everything was like these perfectly mathematical, geometric elaborite patterns of colored neon celtic knotwork lines flowing around a central point of light with visible electrical impulses traveling through the lines like synapses or some shit. That's when sound disappeared. I could hear Tool playing from in the house, (the sliding glass door was open & I was sitting next to it) & people were talking. It was like sound slowed to a complete stop & as it slowed I could catch the intervals between the soundwaves as they registered in my brain. It slowed more & more until it just stopped completey. I felt like the world was in a state of suspended animation but I could freely move about still. I was not in this plane of existance anymore. Everything was gone & I was somewhere else. I stayed there for about 30 seconds & then things started coming back just the way they gone away. I rode the trip back in reverse over a few minutes & I was back with my friends again.

The coolest part about it though was that even through all that crazyness, I never got scared or nearvous. The whole time I knew in my head 'I smoked that shit, that's why this is happening, my friends are around me, & it will be over in a few minutes. I felt like a million bucks the whole time. It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I will do it again whenever I can get my hands on some more & my friends said they will too. Some of the shit I said may caontrast with each other, but like I said, how do you really explain something like that? Fucking amazing.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73400
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 21, 2009Views: 7,199
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DMT (18) : Large Group (10+) (19), Glowing Experiences (4), General (1)

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