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Learning Lotus
Lotus spp.
Citation:   JackTheStripper. "Learning Lotus: An Experience with Lotus spp. (exp73585)". Sep 2, 2008.

  repeated smoked Lotus/Lily Group
    oral Lotus/Lily Group
I had been curious about the psychoactive effects of the lotus flower since I first read about their potential and historical signifigance.

I ordered loose pink flowers and some gooey black extract. I first tried smoking the petals in a joint, which produced a quite mild (placebo?), relaxing effect. I found the same effect smoking the resin extract. Days later, I ate the rest of the resin, and found no noticable buzz, though I must admit, it was delicious.

Two months later, I stumbled upon whole, closed lotus flowers in a health food store. I purchased two. When I smoked the petals, I noticed the same, very mild, relaxation. However, when I came to the center of the flower, and noticed the untouched stamens, I decided to smoke them. Surprisingly, I had only smoked half of the joint when I felt a heavy, yet pleasant mental clouding, and felt like keeping still.

I found the experience to be more gentle and less stupifying then other seditives I had tried, and am thankful for this find.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 73585
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 2, 2008Views: 11,848
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Lotus/Lily - Unknown spp. (857) : Not Applicable (38), Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1)

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